A security guard at Kroger in Bloomington tasered a black man and as usual, the internet made judgments on the incident, claiming racism.
The description below is taken straight from a witness' Facebook account who admits to not seeing what went down before the action started so keep that in mind:
At approximately12:15pm on today, Sunday, August 28, 2022, a small dick security guard tased an innocent black man in the middle of Seminary Square Kroger in Bloomington, IN. I didn’t see the very beginning of this incident but I heard the altercation. This gentleman just wanted to know where his $10 were. He claimed he left it near the registers, which is where he was pointing in this video. His hat and drink he purchased were where he was pointing.
The security guard told the gentleman he needed to leave, I’m assuming bc he was becoming loud. However, note that he was never violent or aggressive to this man. I never say him even come close enough to him to hurt him. Before the first tase, the security guard pushed him. Once the gentleman was pushed he refused to move. He had every right to be there and to stand his ground to get his belonging that this guard wouldn’t let him go get.
Once the guard tased him once you can see that the gentleman got right back up and still was not violent or aggressive. The guard proceeded to tase him yet again, which caused the gentleman to fall completely backwards and miss a large display by inches.
This was in the front of this grocery store. There were numerous people watching and recording. A few of us were asking why the guard was doing this, he never answered. Then another two people were trying to talk to the gentleman to deescalate his demeanor. It was very obvious that this gentleman was not a danger to anyone and also had some mental health issues going on.
The guard proceeded to hold the gentleman’s hands behind his back and hold them in place with his knee. He was going to handcuff him but changed his mind for some reason that I’m unsure of. A Kroger employee was trying to help the gentleman calm down. After about five minutes of the gentleman screaming, crying, yelling, hitting the floor, trying to explain to the guard that he just wanted his stuff, he calmed some and the guard let him up. The gentleman then walked over to his belongings and picked them up. He grabbed his hat and then noted that his $10 was there. The security guard and kroger employee following closely. He went outside and the state police arrived