Cedar Rapids Police Department released body cam footage on Thursday from a deadly police involved shooting.
The video, posted to CRPD's Facebook page, is from an August 30th incident where 22-year-old William Rich died at the scene of domestic disturbance call outside HACAP's Inn Circle at 5560 6th Street Southwest.
In the video, you can see when the officers arrived, they tried to arrested Rich and he resisted.
Police Chief Wayne Jerman says Rich had a knife and went towards the officers. The video shows an initial struggle and what appears to be a knife.
Rich then raises his arm with the weapon in hand and moves towards the officers, that is when they initially fire three rounds. Rich can be seen falling backwards.
The officers tell him to get on the ground or stay on the ground but Rich rolls up to his feet toward the officers and the two fire four more rounds.
Later in the video, police have paused at different instances in which you can see what appears to be a knife.
Jerman says they got calls saying Rich assaulted his wife, choking, punching and tried to drown her.
On Tuesday, family and friends of Rich took to the streets of downtown Cedar Rapids.
Protesters initially claimed Rich was kneeling with his arms raised, and told officers he was surrendering.
The officers involved in the shooting are identified as Investigator Christopher Christy and Sergeant Bryson Garringer.
Christy has 14 years of law enforcement experience while Garringer has 12 years experience.
Both officers are on paid administrative leave for the investigation.
The Iowa Attorney General's Office is reviewing the case.
Rich's family was shown the body cam footage Thursday morning before it was released to the public.