A dispute over car keys lead to a woman pulling another woman's wig off which then ended with that wigless woman pulling a gun and opening fire.
This video incident is fresh so no further details are available at the moment but will update as they do.
old vid. seen one u seen them all smh. daily blaxcellence
I counted 10-shots = likely empty. Turn around and hit her with a tire iron.
Just think of the maggot hair head on that pillow ! No wonder the home boys won't stay with them ho's !
A wigless/weaveless Kween resembles something out
of National Geographic.
The only thing missing are the lip plates and the stretched-out earlobes with huge disks in them.
To be fair to those people, Black Americans are savages compared to them.
I was thinking poo-flinging and screeching!
Doesn't take much, huh?
A bunch of loud mouthed baboons getting shot at.... What's the problem?
You want to solve the gun problem in the United States, put an electronic sensor into guns that stops them from being able to be fired by a black person.
the ultimate cultural appropriation: black women buying the hair of indian girls.
It's like watching the same video over and over again. Yet liberals and the media have the nerve to pretend that white people are the biggest threat to black people.
Monkeys, smelly Pakis, slit eyed Chinese and not forgetting the most corrupted laziest bully firm in the world the police. theese are biggest threats to civilization!!
But who gives a fuk cause I don't. Personally they all need wiping out and restarting again like the jurassic era or much better the black death ,how ironic (black) 😆
"She habs muh weeg"
The punchline at the end of a joke that has been going for too long.
First one to bitch about culture appropriation, yet the majority wear wigs. If any one white were to wear a afro-brillo the reeee would be endless.
These people are so uptight (thanks to the lying media and politicians) that they are ready to kill everything in their wake at the slightest inconvenience. If their coffee is not latte or the order was wrong. They are extremely violence and dangerous individuals who have no place in a civilised society. And yes, the libtards still buy into the lie that the most dangerous thing in the US is white patriots. When literal cities have been destroyed by these beasts.
Black women are the lowest form of "human female" one could associate with. There's really no other race of female who acts this way without extreme trauma being applied to them over the course of years. With Blacks it just seems to come standard with these things. Overly emotional, hyper violent for females and poor social skills to boot.
Racist, hateful, hyperviolent, hypercriminal usual suspects. We need more jails.
Around blax, never relax
Obese violent she-boons again.
Did that animalistic negro thug manage to hit any of the other boons.
same video every day , Nhigqers shooting other Nhigqers.