Earlier in 2022, videos went viral of Tate allegedly hitting a woman. It led to Andrew facing a severe backlash. But, the woman who was in the video, revealed there was nothing to cry foul about. The woman stated that she was engaging in a rough role-play with Tate. She has once again decided to speak up as the tension around Tate has flared up! This time, she defended both Andrew and his brother against all the allegations.
She said, “He’s not a human trafficker. He would never r*pe any anybody, and he would certainly never ever human traffick anybody, either. Including his brother, they would never do such a thing. I’m just so shocked, I’m so fed up with all of these lies. Talking about Andrew Tate that he’s a woman beater, that he’s a human trafficker, he has r*ped somebody. It is so false.