On Saturday, February 25, trade unions in Italy observed a nationwide maritime port strike demanding safety and security for port workers, increase in wages, and an end to the transfer of arms and ammunition for imperialist wars through Italian ports. On the call given by Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) and the Autonomous Collective of Port Workers (CALP), a demonstration was held at the port of Genoa titled ‘Guns Down, Wages Up!’ to protest against the complicity of the Italian government led by Giorgia Meloni in the war efforts in Ukraine and the transfer of arms through the port of Genoa. On the same day, anti-imperialist sections—including left-wing parties such as Potere al Popolo—hit the streets in major cities across the country denouncing the ongoing war in Ukraine and calling for ‘negotiations instead of escalation’.
The port workers of Genoa have been resisting the use of Italian ports to supply arms to imperialist conflicts in Ukraine and Yemen. Workers of the Pisa airport had earlier protested against arms delivery to Ukraine in the cover of humanitarian aid. Port workers are currently also agitated due to the death of workers in the ports of Trieste and Civitavecchia in Rome, and have been demanding that authorities ensure the safety of port workers. Workers are also demanding an increase in wages at par with inflation to cope with the ongoing cost of living crisis.