Note to Pennsylvanians moving down south to escape your liberal hellscape, don't bring your cult ideology with you. Once great cities like Austin have been destroyed by locust heards of libtards bringing their ideology with them. Stay in your own shitholes if they please you so much, otherwise adapt and go with the winning teams.
dat wyaat supremacy!
This is a pretty old video.
I'll try to do a 'Black Superman' for you...OK, here goes...."why you cry, cracka? You gay or sumptin?...you just fraaaghened of de blacks! You whites kill everytin" Meh: I don't think I've captured the truly 'wanky' essence of him....but there you go anyway ;)
he don't like a white man's invention...
I thought you needed a credit card to get a costco membership
Just call the cops and let them shoot him.
Every single fuking time...
Sub humans never create things, only destroy.
I would've slapped the retard right out of him
If Bhaphomet Balls had a son... ergh daughter... hell I can't tell at this point if that's a chick or a dude. Looks and acts like a chimp.
I am surprised Costco actually opened a warehouse in an area like this! Maybe they like dark humor?