Despite the film being based on real and harrowing events, Noah Berlatsky suggests that critics have linked it to the QAnon movement and that anti-trafficking experts claim its portrayal of trafficking is "misleading." His conclusion is that Sound of Freedom is a "QAnon dog whistle" that does nothing to "help victims." Isn't it suspicious that mainstream media is attacking a movie raising awareness of child exploitation?
Not only is Berlatsky facing backlash for his scathing review – he's also under fire for being a pedophile sympathizer. In fact, he once served as the communications director for Prostasia, a "pro-pedophilia" advocacy group. According to their website, Prostasia supports the "Minor Attracted Persons" (MAPs) Club, a notorious group that tries to normalize pedophilia.
Earlier this year, Reduxx reported that a general manager of Prostasia – Prescott Bayern – was active on a pedophile messaging board dedicated to homosexual men who dubbed themselves "boy lovers" – pedophile men sexually attracted to underaged boys.