A San Francisco small business owner experienced a harsh reality of street law enforcement recently. He reportedly faced physical assault after challenging an individual’s disrespectful public behavior.
Peterson Harter, owner of Sandy’s Muffulettas, reportedly confronted a homeless man who was openly urinating on a street outside of his business in Haight-Ashbury. However, this intervention apparently provoked the hobo, who responded in a manner totally unbefitting a polite society.
During an interview with KTVU, Harter spoke about the incident — his confrontation with a man flagrantly urinating on the street, beer in hand.
“I’m not willing to just let someone start urinating in the middle of the street, walking belligerently with a beer in his hand,” Harter said. “That’s just not the right behavior for this city.”
Surprisingly, Harter’s rebuke was met with violence. He was abruptly punched in the face by the offender. The unexpected assault left him with a bruised eye and forehead. Nevertheless, Harter managed to capture a photograph of his assailant before he disappeared from the scene.