The North Dakota Attorney General on Thursday, Aug. 17, released police body camera video from the officer responsible for shooting and killing a gunman who ambushed Fargo police officers on July 14, neutralizing a wider community threat.
Attorney General Drew Wrigley and Fargo Police Chief David Zibolski held a news conference on Thursday to make public Officer Zach Robinson's body camera video recorded during the shooting that claimed the life of one police officer and injured two others officers and a bystander.
The video, played at Fargo City Hall, was prefaced with a warning that it was disturbing and graphic and that viewer discretion was advised. The three-minute video is digitally blurred "out of respect" in parts, but the audio was not edited, Wrigley said.
It shows the three officers who were struck by Mohamad Barakat's rapid gunfire just seconds before they were hit, and Officer Zach Robinson's immediate response, shouting "hands up" multiple times and commanding Barakat to drop the gun at least six times.
In a late July interview with The Forum, Wrigley said body camera video from Officer Jake Wallin shows Wallin unholstered his gun and nearly got a round off on the gunman, 37-year-old Mohamad Barakat, before he was shot and killed.
On Thursday, Wrigley said Wallin did, in fact, fire one shot before he was struck and killed by Barakat.
The shooting happened as the officers processed the scene of a routine traffic crash on 25th Street and Ninth Avenue South.
The injured officers, Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes, and a bystander, Karlee Koswick, have since been released from the hospital and are still recovering from their injuries.
On July 21, authorities revealed Barakat had been planning a much larger public attack.
They said Barakat searched online for articles about mass casualty incidents and the Downtown Street Fair, suggesting to authorities he intended to open fire on thousands of people attending the event.
His vehicle was loaded with three long rifles, four handguns, more than 1,800 .223-caliber bullets, three canisters filled with gasoline and two propane tanks filled with Tannerite, explosive materials used for target practice.
Wrigley said body camera video from the other three officers would not be released Thursday but perhaps at a later time, out of respect and sensitivity for their families.
I’m leaving eh… 😂
he use to work for Glaxo Smith Kline.....
Are they flying to heaven?
Dummy shouldn't have mentioned who he worked for...to these cancel culture phaggots.
That's true....only thing he did was use words. But in today's inverted world of insanity, words mean more than out of control violent actions of groids and other mongrels.
If you took what this man said and then songify it, it has the makings for a good but edgy song. He has excellent rhythm in how he speaks which is amazing considering that he is drunk the whole time he was berating everyone on the plane.
Give the man credit for speaking in rhythmic stanzas!!!
If your going to get drunk and make an ass of yourself, try to keep it in your own house, maybe the basement or garage.
As rude as he is, compared to similar events with dusky citizens this was a picnic.
Flying While Canadian
RIC FLAIR " WOOOOOooooooo ... !!!"
so true about liberal fag9ots. nice to see a Canadian who gets it. i hope he tells big farma to fock off.
says the brainless cuck with the virtue seeking ukie flag. You even know anything about the Ukraine conflict....you pathetic fu*k?
agreed, but for me, they can eat whatever they want as long as they are adults and not a fkn lib ...
Maybe he's a Kaybecker?
I'm a phobophobe. I have an unreasonable fear of phobias.
I'll upvote, but here's the thing: Language in North America is being homogenized - cleaned up, if you will. There was a time where regional newscasters, for instance, would actually SOUND like the regions they are part of. For the most part, those days are over. Thanks to the Internet, mass media, and a college system that encourages conformity, people these days (especially the college educated), are encouraged to drop the local colloquialisms and quant ways of their speech.
As for Canadians, eh, you might hear that in Ice Road Truckers from a few, but more often than not Canadian accents are slight these days, with only their 'O's sounding just a bit like 'Ew's. If you ask me, that's really too bad, eh?
en vino veritas
Why do you support Ukraine? Do you steal money from there like Biden?
It’s not just about being drunk. People were over-served on planes in decades past, but they’d just be at ease with flying. This here is part of the societal decline we all see everyday. You can bet he has “other” issues.
That is NOT a conservative, no matter what it is trying to portray itself as being.
THAT is a disgrace to humanity.
Kept dropping the fagggott term hoping some canadian male would pipe up.
The Ukraine is run by WEF scum, installed there to replace a Russian friendly regime. The WEF are neo nazi globalist tyrants. They want us all dead, you too Dick.
Great observation! 😂
He's the most entertaining drunk I've seen in quite a while. I thought he was just going to keep making them open every cabinet twice looking for his bag. They would have fallen for it too.
I agree with everything he said.
Fuck a liberal.....and not in a nice way, either.
Me too. I hope they flew the fucking thing smack into the ground.
Ya I would've cheered the guy on.
I found out a relative of mine still wears a mask when they fly. LoL.
So they're willing to "put themselves at risk" but they think some face diaper is gonna protect them, I even sent them a video with the surgeon general from florida discussing how the studies they used to show masked "worked" were BS studies, with no control group. He went in on them and into the details. I got no response, I'm sure they never even watched it.
Imagine living 45 years of your life without ever thinking about putting some stupid thing over your face, to now going everywhere with one on... oh and don't forget all your shots and being up to date. LoL.
Only fools and cowards still wear masks. Most of us know that they do nothing but signal submission to the state.
2 types of people that still wear masks. Asians and liberals.
I still got Asian Asians wearing them where I work, it's part of their culture.
Could have simply said 'canadian' ..... no canadian is ever sober
I think the poster re writes a lot of these articles, otherwise the "journalists" always put their name on any article they write.
He chose poorly.
I asked my doctor a few weeks back, when are you guys gonna drop all this stupid mask stuff? He just laughed it off and didn't answer... then asked if I was vaccinated and I told him to stop asking me, I'm never getting that stupid shot. I had covid, I think more than once... guess what, I'm still alive and I don't have some experimental shot in me.
I live in a fairly "liberal" blue area and I've been asked by multiple doctors.. I tested positive for it in Jan of this year and went down for like 3 weeks. Had a fever for 12-13 days straight. Had to go to the ER to get a bunch of tests done that all turned up negative. After the ER visit I was back to work the following weak. Still feeling tired, but I've been through methadone withdrawals, Oxy withdrawals... and let me tell ya, I'd rather of gone through those 3 weeks of fever and sore throat and congestion than 1 week of methadone withdrawals. So, maybe if I'd never experienced those other things I'd consider covid bad or something... but my reference point is so far above covid for being sick, that it was just kinda whatever. The worse part was just being down that long... when you feel like not doing much, it gets boring just laying around.