Two men aged 24 and 41 were shot dead and a third man aged 41 was injured in a shooting that occurred in working-class neighborhoods in the north of Marseille this Thursday, September 28. Two men were shot dead and a third was injured. The facts occurred on the public highway around 7:40 p.m. in Chutes-Lavie, in the 4th arrondissement of Marseille. One of the two victims died instantly while the second died “20 to 30 minutes after the first”.
Indeed, images taken from a video surveillance camera have circulated. Widely distributed this Friday on social networks, they bear witness to the violence of the events. In these, we see three men talking on the sidewalk on Avenue des Chutes Lavie. A black Peugeot 2008-type vehicle approaches at slow speed before stopping near the three men under the watch of numerous witnesses. A rear passenger with a long weapon gets out of the car and opens fire numerous times on the group before leaving with his accomplices in the vehicle. This car was discovered shortly after the incident set on fire in Corot Park with an assault rifle weapon inside.
A flagrant investigation was opened into the counts of “assassinations” and “attempted assassination” all by an organized gangs and “criminal association with a view to committing a crime”, “destruction by dangerous means by an organized migrant gang », “concealment in an organized theft gang” and entrusted to the territorial direction of the Marseille judicial police.