As Israel continued pounding targets in Gaza following the sensational land-sea-air assault on its territories by the Palestinian group Hamas, videos circulated on social media alleging that the Israel Defense Force (IDF) has been using banned white phosphorus bombs in the densely populated region.
Several photos, videos, and claims on social media allege that Israeli forces are using white phosphorous on the civilian population of Gaza. The Gaza Strip, a Palestinian territory under Israeli blockade, has been governed by Hamas for many years.
White phosphorus is a waxy, yellowish-to-clear chemical with a pungent, garlic-like odour. It is a highly combustible chemical that burns quickly and brightly when exposed to air. It is used in incendiary weapons by militaries around the world, including the United States, for a variety of purposes, such as illuminating targets at night, or to just inflict damage on enemies.
This chemical reaction produces intense heat (about 815 degrees Celsius), light, and thick white smoke, which is used by armies to create smokescreens in sensitive zones.
White phosphorus can cause fast-moving and widespread fires on the ground. Once ignited, the substance is very difficult to put out, as it clings to many surfaces, including skin and clothing. It is incredibly dangerous to civilians because it can cause severe burns that penetrate deep into the tissue and bone, and it can reignite even after treatment.
In 1980, the world agreed to ban or limit the use of certain weapons that cause too much pain or harm to civilians. Protocol III of this agreement restricts the use of weapons that set things on fire.