Clarksville, Tennessee - Police ID suspects who prayed with a woman in Clarksville church while stealing from her purse
Detectives with the Clarksville Police Department have identified two of the four women they say stole from a 78-year-old woman’s purse while she prayed with them last month.
According to a news release from CPD spokesperson Scott Beaubien, arrest warrants for identity theft and theft charges have been taken out on the following individuals: 23-year-old Antonio Marquise Crockett Jr. and 29-year-old Myesha Lasha Doss.
Look at them. Would you expect anything less from them?
Praise JESUS!!
Thats the blacks for you.
ng grs in a nut shell
No different from many pastors, priests, rabbis, ministers, preachers, or shamans.
"Keep your eye on your wallet, even in church I guess..."
Oh brother...you ain't kidding. The Church is the biggest thief in the history of time.
The ORIGINAL gay couple, moved to Rome to be Romans....
"The priests claim their kingdom is not of this world, yet they lay their hands to all that is of value... Napoleon Bonaparte.
"The Church" was the foundation of Western Culture, the most prosperous, advanced civilization in human history.
Most prosperous how? Come on...be honest.
Are you pretending to be dumb?
-The United Nation’s Human Development Index ranks nations [189 of them] by life expectancy, literacy, education and GDP per capita.
87% of those ranked in the lowest category are African.
The USA ranks #13, in the highest category, along with all European (White) nations.
-Nobel SCIENCE prizes awarded:
Latin America: Argentina 2, Mexico 1, Venezuela 1.
Muslim nations: 3 (Egypt 2, Algeria 1).
Asian nations: Japan 20, China 8, India 1.
African nations: 3 (Egypt 2, Algeria 1).
Sub-Sahara nations, whence came American slaves, none.
"White nations" (USA, Europe, Russia, Canada, etc.) 599 -- 95% of the total.
Probably not.
Meh.....its not like the old bitxh was shot in the back while she was praying....shell be okay....
still out here being a retard I see, I'm not surprised, but I sure am disappointed
How was that retarded? U just triggered
LOL, some how I knew that's exactly what you would say.
Yeah....so calm the fuck down cracka
How do you know she'll be OK? Where's your source?
Maybe she needed that money for medication, or to pay the heating bill. Most old people are on a fixed income and don't budget for the chance of being robbed by nl66ers.
Well then it sucks to be her i guess...
I'd blame her ancestors for bringing slaves into America
U crackas and ur lack of pre ftontal cortexes are incapable of long term strategy...
That's the exact attitude that permeates the "black culture" and is the root cause why blacks are so demonized. If you act evil, your actions will eventually be glued to your entire race. Try denouncing these evil actions and this country will slowly begin to heal. Of course, we know that won't happen since blacks seem to relish rolling in the mire of evil like dogs rolling in a pile.
Okay...i denounce this evil act...now denounce dylan roof and the cops that took him to burger king...ill wait..
"An African-American friend of his said that he never witnessed Roof expressing any racial prejudice, but also said that a week before the shooting, Roof had confided in him that he would commit a shooting at the college."
Well that's fuckin weird...
Whats ur point?
Seriously? Dylan Roof was a piece of shit. Everyone who murders random people is a piece of shit.
Pick any large enough group in the world and you'll find a 'member' with extremist views, but you're fuckin kidding yourself if you don't think that the vast majority of white people don't agree that mass-murderers are pieces of shit.
Im just basing my opinion off of ur history
You don't even know my history--you think we all look alike
Im talking about european/caucasoid history....not u personally...🫵🏿you🫵🏿 actually seem like a decent guy....
Why would we condemn a hero??? Dylan saved me the effort!
Most white "heroes" are either murderers, theives, or rapists....what is so heroic about shooting a bunch of elderly negroes dead while their heads are down praying?
"Most white "heroes" are either murderers, theives, or rapists"
So you agree they're heroes, BASED
-cracka logic
I wasn't expecting you to post in this one, but here you are excusing it.
Maybe you really are black!
I really am black...
Blakk says "Im tired of crackas. I hope you all disappear off the face of the earth forever.
Hnkys say "he's gotta be a white man." = hnky logic.
Sometimes, he writes in full sentences and with correct grammar.
We're just playing the odds.
Thats funny. I didn't know that proper grammar was a prerequisite for using the vidmax comment section. Ill let brotha black know. You tell all the other hnkys here who cant spell. You're gonna be busy for awhile. So we'll meet back here around Christmas. 🤜🤛🏾
Same can be said about ngr floyd, oh wait nvm he's dead, LOL!
Yep.....choked to death with his hands cuffed....u crackas are so courageous🤣🤣🤣
Easy kill, made quick work of that boon
Actually it took 9 minutes....
They spell "pray": r.e.p.a.r.a.t.i.o.n.s.
Old cave thot probably got a few negroes lynched in her day...its just the universe getting even...
"...ridiculously evil" AND IT'S A FILTHY, THIEVING KHO0ON THAT DID IT...And, of course, more than one...
A cancer...They are a cancer and need to be treated as such
And i guess u trumptards are the chemotherapy...
Holy Water and Righteous Flame.
Ur spartan wont be so bloody if he uses lube...we all know their history...these homos are ur heroes?
You know Jack shiite and Jack left long ago.
ready, willing and able! The joy of blasting ng grs is to be cherished!
But? your leaders now are a buncha lazy puzzies worth nothing with even less honor and dignity than you....so they just gonna Obola you away. (they was a couple days early, but i promised yo black ass the news and heres some more, thats just the start! Wanna know whats next? more nature for you! its called Big Wu)
Those were just my bottom bishes getting my money from your grandma. Toothless old hoes are very popular in your hnky community. And your grandma gives the best gummers.😵
Just typcial, everyday, average nggrs. Every nggr is just like these sheboons. Every single one. Crimes like this are the only things you have to be proud of. That's why nggrs are rightfully despised the world over.
White women sure do seem to like us. Ever notice that hardly any white women frequent this site? But they sure do frequent deez nuts.
Deez nutz have no brains, no money and pay no child support!
But they do make your wife want a divorce.😁
not after this year praise God! Dey knos you be draggin the ebola in demnutz and nobody will touch you the rest of your way out.
Not for you loser!
You're right. Mine belongs to a different white chick. But Id bet any amount of money that your wife has a mandingo warrior in her past. Sht, maybe present.
You don't know sh#t about white women. The jizz-filled anal cavity of Ru Paul most certainly, but not white women.
Im more than happy to play that game with you. But I was being real with you. I didn't even mention how you chipped your tooth trying to have g8y sex with a unicorn statue. And you repay my kindness with childish g8y put downs. Sounds about white to me. White women love black men. Some of you hnkys are lonely asf because of it. Deal with it biatch.
U dont know sht about whitw women either....im pretty sure ur still a virgin...
White liberal front holes are a plague. They're all yours...
Chances are you got a white granddaddy in your family tree.
It figures a punk ass nigger like you would rape an old woman. That's why we need to bring back lynching and burning you bastards alive!
I like how every evil situation, you gaslight yourself into a conversation that makes it acceptable to be a vile human being. It's almost like you were not born with a soul.
The day you stop breathing, the world will feel much quieter and peaceful.
We aren't the problem dumb hnky. You are. You call me vile, but your dumb azz just accused black dycks of looking like turds. Sounds about white to me.
You and that other voice in your head, Cold Blakk, you boys need to put the glue down, and accept your whiteness. Attempting to live your lives as caricatures is not working out. I will give you this, the fantasy land you live in has some points of interest, problem is they are all on the same track. You have one trump card, but even that can’t get you a trick.
No idea what your saying. But I do accept the fact that most black people have a bloodline that has been diluted with hnky.
Won't matter you'll be so full of monkey disease by July you won't be getting nothing ever again anyway
The day ALL of them stop breathing the world will feels much quieter and peaceful
it will be this summer. the heat kills half as many more with obloa
Keep sucking your monkey dick excons.
Or I could have your mother suck it for me.😁
How 'bout this... Straight out for all to hear, fuck you NIGGER. Just like your mammy was fucked by her master, you COON cocksucker. Just like all the other NIGGERS you're pissed 'cause you got that White spunk running in your veins.
I knew it, you love just old women (85+)
You better tell them to hurry and get you some more because we done let the Ebola out and it's time for ng gergheddon, like we promised you blk bastards. You know what the cover story is? vaccinated! they will make sure it doesn't look like "just the monkey gene pool" so that clot stroke yo gramma just woke up from is about to meet the monkey pox for real. I know a couple biches that was blm and now they gon be blm angels and i thought dam thats rough! but? so are you?
while super cock lover eats black cock when it's posting here as a black superman,keep eating
I wonder if this made the crime stats?
It sure didn't make it on this site. God forbid these racist azz hnky moderators post a vid that makes these cave chimps look bad.
Stupid nlgger, the "Out Of Africa" theory was discredited long ago. The human race went north and evolved, you subhuman nlggers stayed in Africa and bred with Homo Erectus. That's why it's OK to make nlgger slaves and keep them in ghettos and prison. They are subhuman animals!
Silly, subhuman nlgger punk: https://www.scientificameri...
My goodness.....talk about caucasoid psycho-babble...u got a source?
Silly, subhuman nlgger punk: https://www.scientificameri...
is u a dead superman cuz the only gud nig is a dead nig
You're going to become a statistic if you keep it up boy. Watch your words. We can find you.
We don't all live in cities boy. My driveway is a shooting range.
Then ur probably better off staying there....
Ignorance is the root and stem of all evil -Plato
100% agree with you, they are the cancer of earth!
ffs, this is years old, but still proves a point, never relax around Blacks.
They should be nailed to a cross.
just lynched
kingofcoons has a new account and had one day to troll me with his new account...ahahahaha...back to the phantom zone for you fvvkface!!!
buh bye!!
Was curious how an ape named Antonio Marquise Crockett could be a woman. (That's the ape with the braids who's kneeling.) Checking, I find it's a tr@nnie, a fake woman who kept the male name.
BTW, bIacks are more likely to identify themselves as Iesbian, g@y, bisexuaI, or tr@nsgender than any other racial or ethnic group in the nation, according a poll by Gallup.
In any disgusting behavior, count on apes to be number one.
If I knew I was going to end up in prison, I'd pretend to be a woman too!
scandalous people
Evil is never ridiculous
It's always something to be disposed of.
two whores in church that weren't nervous
Normal thinking civilized and honest human beings consider that to be evil.
Opportunistic thieving chimps consider their victims to be fair game, and the stolen items to be their owed reparations.
5 years in prison ! So tired of blk bs !
When you're 78 years old, you should know better..
arrest 'em...burn 'em.
This story is almost 2 yrs old.
Oh, and that makes it "better"?!
You're obviously part of the problem. You're a n*gger yourself?!
I had never seen it though. Seems like that's true for most of us.
There's a REASON.....(Sam Kinison voice)
"Never in a million years" she said. Lady, it has been going on for a long time.
Never trust an UrbanKween or UrbanKang...........if you so much as catch a glimpse of one, RUN!!!!!!!!!
white people
they are coming for you
be ready
never ever ever go near one of them for ANY reason
run and run fast
No were not cracka....dont get these vidmax honks in trouble...
White power.💪🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
I condemned it...read my reply to zzzzzap...and stop ur damn whining
Condemned it?! You did nothing of the sort
and these are the people we gave the right to vote and hold political office.
what were we thinking !!!!
we weren't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well....it's as NIGGY as it gets!!!
Of course they're black.
Violence is the answer.
These were not soul sistas.
They creeped in the pastor's field and fleeced one of his sheep. Evil, indeed.
When there's no more room in hell DEI will walk the Earth.
Have they been caught?
What do we expect from the devil's minions on earth? Prayer?
The old lady is sweet and trusting, like old white ladies often are and the shitskins knew it. People wonder why there's a hell..
We had a blk woman at church in charge of the treasury and bank account . She was to count the tithe for the week and deposit the cash / checks into the account .
She stole about $ 60,000 and was never prosecuted . People left the church fast . The pastor didn't want the children to be punished by the actions of the parent . Total scum bags ! 1 Guy at the Church was a L.E. Detective . he was furious that no police were called and he left about 2 weeks later . A decade later and the entire church crew has left and been replaced with latino's HAHA ! The pastor is a narcissist !
That's called "Mission Accomplished!"
and where was your God during all of this???
Taking notes for later referral on judgement day.
Niggers. Fucking animals
Phil whatsup? Taking ur coffee break from the glory hole? Im sorry ur mom got robbed in the church...i never said what happened was fine...im just sayin it could have been worse...
Grandmaw always said they will all steal no matter how good they seem to be.
My granny Bertha was 100% Cherokee, with our 700 year family history, in documents the US gov't is SCREAMING FOR!! (NOT EVER happening)
You DON'T want me to repeat what she said about blaxx! :)
I do.
She should have let an ear piercing scream out as soon as the n1666ers approached her.
Never ever trust a black POS orc monster in any situation.
plaster these parasitic scumbags faces all over the city.
not one moment of peace for them.
filthy feral animals have more content of character.
Literally human roaches. they scurry in, spread out and infest. And just so y'all know it's the blacks themselves that are taking society backwards. For decades all we've heard is we want to be judged by the content of our character and not our skin color. WELL THE CONTENT OF YOUR CHARACTERS SUCK.
I'm surprised the fat cops didn't arrest the old lady and want to know where she got her money.
Well, blaxx are a FEDERALLY protected species now....
NOW what?
They need to spend some time hanging out under a tall oak tree.
And u will be the one to do it right bobby?
I would be honored.
U bobbys alt?
Typical behavior for those types.
Yup of course the usual ni99er “stealing from the hand that feeds you”!
Stolen country? Are you aware moron that there were multiple people from all over the world that owned parts of the US? France, Italy, England, Spain, as well as the indigenous indians that were killing each other and enslaving the rest ? You're as dumb as you look, BOY.
And thats ur justification for caucasoid butchery? U crackas could have stayed in europe and did that....
From FBI stats. Although only 13% of the population black crime accounts for over 55% of all crimes. Per capita figures are worse. Sooo sad....for you! and America.
How does the fbi compile their crime data? Not one of u crackas have been able to answer that....but ill wait anyway...
What do you expect? They're the spawn of Satan. Funny part is that old woman acts like that amount of money is nothing but the Devil's children will get charged with felonies once they're caught and they will be caught because Tennessee isn't a monkey groid kiss ass state.
Ive already answered that question all u gotta do is stop being dumb and scroll down a bit...
That's what one gets anytime they deal with this "culture" that white liberals created. White liberals "groomed" them to behave this way .......................
Anyone dumb enough to trust Nhegros, who hate our guts...
-11/03/14 "87% of Black voters believe those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of racism."
-"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn it down" says Hawk Newsome, head of Black Lives Matter for Greater New York.
-6/12/20 86% of Blacks support BLM.
-6/20/21 68% of Blacks support critical race theory which argues that all Whites are born racist.
...gets zero sympathy from me.
Why doesn't the pastor address the problem of letting darkies in his church? Oh, he is probably a cuck, so he won't.
I can't believe that negroes would do such a thing.
Who do i hang around?
Too bad those demonic nogs didn't spontaneously combust when they entered the Church.
Nah phil. We dont condone this fckery. The hood will deal with those scandalous bishes in time. The fckery will be paid for 10 times over.
I look forward to the coming race war! I have guns, lots of ammo and hate the FUCK out of nlggers! I want to start a nlgger lip collection, cut them off of every nlgger I shoot!
Ha ha, Nggrs justifying criminal behavior by other Nggrs. 😂😂😂
I could be a prophet because I know that they will be spending (🤣 ) lots of time in a non profit institution. 🤣🤣
Stupid lady
Never trust two niggers flanking you.
Niggers have no honor 🧑🏿🦲=💩
Whats up Cedric! Where you been? 🤜🏾🤛🏾
N!ggers have no honor 🧑🏿🦲=💩
We have a high tolerance. Pray you don't reach that point.
No need to guess the race. Around blacks, never relax.
Real good thanks. Good to see you on again. Hope all is well.✌🏾
We all knew without looking.
You know sometimes I wish I could, but I'm human and think about the consequences if I did. Luckily I live in a pro 2A state where nl66er savages know damn well white folks are surgical with their firearms and don't fvck with white people
What state is that?
Don't trust blacks!
Cedric! Welcome to the party!
Hey Blakk. Im gonna go out on a limb and say that this wasn't really Cedric.
Argh....oh well....this cedric was still talkin right✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
His real account has no new posts in over 9 months. Im not sure what happened to him. I always enjoyed watching him take these hnkys to school. Nobody did it better.
How's my whitey hating racists doing today on this fine, Israeli communication cesspool?
we used to lynch filth like this....it sent a message to the other shitskins , a message they can understand.
Sick, sick, sick bastards.
I agree. Blacks steal way too much!! Jevv's owned all the slave ships.
OK with you if I never saw it champ? Thanks.
this is why God wanted all these amorites, hittites and philistines wiped out. This is their remnant but the j00s didnt listen to god!
You would think Granny knew better than to let Ns near her; never relax around blax. I know plenty of old people, not just white, and they're racist AF and I dont blame them; years of living on Earth makes you quite racist and jaded.
Oh well, if the Ns didnt steal from her im sure the church would have. I was a Christian for 20 years(worshipped with my lips but never my heart), and my uncle was the head pastor and his son(my first cousin) was the finance guy for the church that dealt with all the money. I was close with them and they told me all their secrets. That money went straight to a brand new BMW and my uncles big house and more.
"If you want to get rich, start a business, but if you want god like wealth, start a religion"
? that's ? What's disgusting and ridiculous is in white people sitting there bitching about it when she knew better than to even have them rats near her
screw you vm you cant censor truth and its coming for those shtty apes no matter what you censor
Easy to prevent by putting a guard at the door to prevent blacks from entering. Even better if you put guards at the city/count/state limits and stop blacks from entering.
Religion is waste and stupid
God is not mocked.
Thievery is thievery no matter where it takes place. The key here is don't presume simply because you're in the House of God the people are all godly.
Imagine two white ladies doing this to an old black woman. The Media would have it displayed everywhere. Who controls the medias folks? They have society programmed and black crime = black privilege. They are encouraging this sh*t, WAKE UP!!!!
hang those two apes on a tree for everyone to see
When around BLACKS..................never relax
black people keeping that stereotype alive
Cut their damn hands off like they do in their old country. They love that African culture they should love some of that African justice too. Guaranteed no more stealing.
It wasn't stolen it was conquered.
Cold blakk. is just a troll. No one should ever respond to anything he says. Ignore the freak and he will go away
What's the big deal? The church has been stealing from clueless "believers" forever!
Find them and send those demons back to hell where they came from
OMG. Bullets, please.
Well that there ain't right, y'all. Only fellers whut oughta sposed ta be takin yer moneys in church is the dang ol pastors, tell ya whut.
This is why Blacks were banned from society for thousands of years -
She relaxed.
Phew; I thought they were gonna off her.
Never trust ǹiggers anywhere.
This vidclip is actually OLDER Than the Internet!!
Unfortunately, no; that's not as evil as it gets, but I think we're all about to see it.
old news from inside edition. hope they caught dey azzes
Religion is so stupid. Never helps anyone solve any real issues.