In a terrifying incident, a brother strangled his sister to death at their home in Toba Tek Singh city of the Pakistani province of Punjab. The horrible act, suspected to be honor killing, was captured on camera earlier this month and the footage has been doing rounds on social media on Thursday.
In the video, the man can be seen strangulating his sister, identified as 22-year-old Maria to death. Shockingly, the man carried out the inhumane act in the presence of their family members, including the victim's sister-in-law. The father later hands over a bottle of water to the man once he is done killing the woman.
According to local authorities, the crime happened at midnight on March 17 and 18. The perpetrators had buried the woman's body. The police arrested two men after the crime came to the fore on March 24 and an FIR was registered.
Maria's honour killing bore resemblance to the murder of social media star Qandeel Baloch in 2016. Dubbed as Pakistan's Kim Kardashian, 26-year-old Baloch's brother Muhammad Waseem murdered her for "bringing dishonor" to the family. The case caught the attention of the country and was said to be the most high-profile honour killing in Pakistan in recent times.