Mother of three falls to her death after clinging to a Ferris wheel in front of horrified fairgoers.
Footage from the Potosina National Fair in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, shows 39-year-old Irene del Carmen clinging to the outside of a Ferris wheel carriage at the top on August 12.
Reports are unclear whether she got stuck trying to exit or if the carriage door was not properly closed and opened at the top.
She was found with severe injuries and no vital signs.
She was testing to see if gravity was real and not fake .
It's real !
"Y soy gratis! Gratis descendte!"
-Täm Pede
turn the machine back on and throw the absolute retarded cameraman off
multiple times
Can't protect dumb people from themself..
It wasn't the fall that killed her but the sudden stop with the ground
Apocalyptos got some benefits when they bred with Spaniards, but still basically close to the same level as MonkeyBeasts.
What goes up...
There is no way to fall out of a Ferris Wheel, even without a gate, unless you are messing around.
Probably a Chinese woman. Got all flustered and panicked and decided she had to leave.
her husband was over heard saying
honey if you lean out a bit you can see our house.
Kinda like PLINKO
Mexico. Chithole country.
How the fuck does that happen? Stupid bean eaters are genetically ingrained to disobey safety rules.
She didn't fall , she was pushed or she jumped
Who would have thought traveling carnival rides in Mexico weren't safe?
Gravity hunting it's prey.
Gravity always wins.
I hear antigravity equally wins. But does it Matter?
Good one.
Time and gravity, UNDEFEATED tag-team champions OF THE WORLD!
Detective Rateye cracks another case without having any evidence or having a single fuck of a clue what he's taking about.
My guy 🍻
You haven't figured that out yet ?????? It's the phuckin internet. Nobody needs any proof for any claims. Like when they blame Trump for a wino schitting on the sidewalk in San Francisco
when in fact it was YOU.
We all know it's YOU ---------HWM4TW the phantom schitter of San Francisco
I'm Sherlock you're 25-Watson
Btw 25 wats is the dullest of the bulbs. Just cause I know you wouldn't catch that joke.
Watson was Sherlocks side kick
Sherlock was a detective from a book
Books are those things with ink spilled in them
That's all true but why are you shitting in San Francisco ?
The better question is why aren't you? 🏳️🌈💩🏳️🌈
Funny you should mention that. I have some family that must live in the city for business reasons. One night while visiting they took me out for dinner and many beers...................
What joke ?????
But... she still fell . Dumbo.
Initiated a first kiss with a now ex inside a ferris wheel carousel similar to that. When I went in for the kiss my weight and hers made the thing rock alot more than I thought it would. Kiss was successful but I kept thinking of how shitty it would have been if we both fell out of that thing.
Except now you're wishing she did. So.
oh well what do you do
FUN FACT: The Aztecs sacrificed 250,000 people a year in worship of their Sun God.
So this just puts the "meh" in Mexico, gnome sayn?!
There's a great documentary on youtube, I believe an old NatGeo from their early days on Satellite when they had all these cool documentaries on their channel
But they found 3 little kids in these rocky mountains in South America, encased in a rock tomb... perfectly preserved, that were more than likely child sacrificed for whatever purpose. The 3 were all in the sitting position, wearing their clothes... it's crazy actually.
Can't say they didn't have a heart--I'll show myself out.
"content unavailable"
I can say he doesn't have balls, that's for sure.
Remember that huge black kid that fell one of these high rise rides?
Round ‘n round she goes, where she lands nobody knows!
The Rio Grande of Ferris wheels.
It's obvious she committed suicide
One less future Democrat voter.
Democrats still vote in the afterlife.
"Oh my God!....she's jumping out of the car, and oh, she's falli......oooh! what's this over here?!" A CHIMP could frame the subject better....literally!
Lol she went down like the plinko game on price is right.
How did she even end up outside of the carriage in such a way?
there's plenty more of them
Makes one wonder if she was still conscious when she landed seemingly feet first.
Naw ,she tryed to go for a extra spin,the operators have an ejection button on his control panel ,sorry baby no free rides !
she saw the usa border from there and said "i can make it!"
It’s a f-ing Ferris wheel, you sit, do three or four rotations and wait to get off, how do you fuck that up? Brondo…. It’s what plants crave
Taco Bell
Why title the event as "Mother Of Three Falling Out Of A Ferris Wheel To Her Death" instead of...
Woman Falling Out Of A Ferris Wheel To Her Death
What a fucked up way to die. RIP.
How stupid do you have to be to fall out of a Ferris wheel?
!960's era carney gear being run by beaners-what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Kind of like watching Plinko on The Price Is Right
She was hanging off the side and twerking while someone took a picture and she accidentally fell.