Ask any lawyer and they'll tell you that it's vital that you know your basic constitutional rights, especially when it comes to dealing with law enforcement.
A recent viral video underlines just how important this is. A woman's encounter with a police officer quickly crossed lines into territory many say was not just illegal, but unconstitutional.
The video shows a cop barging into a woman's home without a warrant and declaring, 'I own your house now.'
The incident occurred near Riverside, California when Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Martin Huizar went to the home of a woman named Adele, whose neighbor had called in a noise complaint.
Adele says that her "Karen" neighbors claimed noise from Adele's home was disturbing their sleep while she was hosting guests in her backyard.
But notably, in video footage from Adele's doorbell camera which shows the deputy arriving, there is no noise heard coming from the house whatsoever. She said the deputy himself later admitted he heard no noise when he approached.
Huizar stormed into the house after a minor opened and then closed the door upon seeing him.
Despite the lack of noise, things quickly escalated when one of Adele's guests, whom she said was a minor, opened the door and, surprised to see Huizar approaching, immediately shut it. Presumably, the child was startled and went to get an adult.
But the reason isn't really relevant — shutting a door on a cop is not grounds for said cop to barge into your house without consent unless they have a warrant. In fact, you aren't even required to answer the door to a cop at all if they don't have a warrant.
But the incident took an even more disturbing turn when Huizar suddenly grabbed Adele's arm, hurled her up against the wall, and placed her under arrest while she protested, "You're in my home!"
Her terrified kids and family can be heard pleading with both of them to de-escalate, but Huizar clearly had no intention of doing so.
Adele has been charged with resisting arrest despite breaking no laws and her rights having been violated. She is now fundraising for legal representation.