OXFORD, Ohio (WXIX) - A Talawanda High School teacher was placed on administrative leave Friday pending an investigation into social media videos and posts allegedly filmed on school property, the district announced.
This potentially happened on the district’s network and device, the district’s statement says.
“The district has received many reports and concerns regarding this issue. The Superintendent’s office, Human Resources and the (high school) administration are taking parent and community concerns very seriously in regard to this matter. The district will not be able to comment further during the investigation process.”
Parents say they have seen the teacher’s social media posts, and these are not the first concerning comments that have been made.
“The first one, which appeared the teacher was in her classroom, it was extremely hateful,” parent Mike Sekach described. ”It was basically saying we needed to identify any man that voted blue in the 2024 election because men who identify and wear blue bracelets are safe. Anybody who did not vote blue, they’re unsafe.”
In another video from the teacher, Sekach says it appears it was not taken from inside the classroom, but still contained a “hateful” message.
“She is encouraging them to get IUDs implanted in their bodies - children,” Sekach said of the video. ”And then she’s telling these same children not to trust men, do not go to male physicians. It’s extremely sexist. It’s hateful and it should go against the school’s code of conduct.”
Fellow parent Ivan Carter says the teacher is known to punish students who do not share her political viewpoints.
Defund NPR!!!
at least they publish their insanity to the public so now we all know
This lady looks just like the kind of person that would invite someone over for dinner, offer them a piping hot bowl of delicious poisoned soup, and then dispose of the body in an acid bath.
Another minster old bag who ran her man off !
These people are more dangerous than would first appear. You see, they are so vindictive, they have no problem fůcking with repubs the way that FEMA bitch did, by telling her workers to avoid houses that belong to Trump supporters and exclude them from help.
That FEMA bish is f'ed after Jan. 20th. I hope they hang the mf'er.
I think she got her walking papers yesterday...lol..
Nope, it means beat the snot out of me when I start ranting your face.
What's that on your finger, grandma?
And the 15th.
While we are at it,...16th, 14th, and for shitts and giggles the 13th🤣💩☻🤷🏾♂️
And the 17th. Let state legislatures choose the senators. Senators are supposed to represent the states in the fed gubment, not represent the citizens.
The mentally ill on display. They should not teach but receive quality medical treatment.
Fuck that. That takes time and money and resources. Just euthanize these mindless kUnTz already.
Well, Halperin did say that a Trump win would trigger the largest mental health crisis in history. We can see it now.
It's why the department of education needs to be banished along with the teachers union. These people have access to children 8 hours a day and are trying to indoctrinate them into their cult of blue.
When I was in high school, I went in a very red district of hard working farmers and produce picking Mexicans children... which is now, I believe a blue district in a very blue state. I don't have any memories of my teachers talking about their personal life nor the way that they voted. This is off topic but I could never even get my father to open up about his political beliefs before he passed away, though I'm fairly sure from the way he would casually drop the /Vigger bomb from time to time... I gotta believe he was more conservative.
It's weird how nowadays though politics is out in the open. Late night TV shows used to be funny, now they're like the state run propaganda found in China or Russia where the entire show is political... dancing syringe's anyone? It's crazy.
If your dad was hourly or in a union that is why he used that term and that would make him a democrat.
What the hell does she think she's going to do? Women who think they are badass make me sick. I'd slap her so hard she would do a Linda Blair.
These crazies are gonna come outta the wood work once the shock of losing wears off
Trump is a gift from god. Most women cannot handle stress or working any type of job without losing their minds. May TDS get these lunatics out of the workforce. Fuck menopause awareness on the job!
Old piece of shit fucking hag. I absolutely hate hags like this. I don't care about politics so i barely paid attention to the politics, but fucking hags are the bane of human existence and need to die. Old hags at the store, old hags at the DMV and spreaing their misery, old hags as teacher terrifying student. Old hags need to DIE.
This woman is actually 75 % of the teacher base as they have all been molded to embrace Leninism Socialism while in college . Just fire them for breaking their contracts . They are not supposed to promote political ideology's . " Separation of Church and State " That philosophy also includes political redirect and grooming of political affiliations .
....face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle!
Damn...I can actually see that in my mind's eye.
Little too much of the kool-aid there grams
The National Education Association protects and encourages these Marxist freaks as teachers for our children. As such, that union needs to be broken up so school districts can replace these harpies with real educators that have control of their faculties. (pun intended)
Bleeeechy Piggyhags hate Trump and his supporters.
The vile diddling white liberal front hole leads the way when it comes to pissing on white men.
Please get a chastity belt too because no one should have to see all those cobwebs and dust, But on the bright side cold blak would hit that.
The funny thing is that these people wouldn't make it 2 weeks without handouts and massive amounts of help from us.
So glad my daughter is a conservative. So proud of her teaching abilities too.
You won't need methods of identifying yourselves to see who is "safe".
We automatically know by your acting out in public , who to avoid. The only people around you will be psychos like yourself.
The blue bracelet. The new scarlet letter.
Or Star of David.
wear a RED bracelet to warn people that you are a mental.
I prefer gold, silver, or copper to show I'm mostly normal, until I'm phuqqed with, then I see red & become quite hostile.
I dunno hun, pink is a shade of red... you sport'n them Pub colors!
It's a cat collar... for a cat lady...that hasn't been able to ride a man for decades & has at least 3 D-cell vibrators in her sock drawer.
Whack job.
I'm so glad I got into Dad's books when I was around six, I never fell for any of it....(marxism)
'Reading is fundamental' to understanding the world...as long as you read broadly. That means reading pro-Marx writing and anti-Marx writings.
I left the Church about 2 years after I learned to read...so I stopped believing in organized religion at age 7.
“ The district has received many reports and concerns regarding this issu e. The Superintendent’s office, Human Resources and the (high school) administration are taking parent and community concerns very seriously in regard to this matter."
And THAT, my friends, is why we need to flood schools and businesses who's employees do these narcissistic rants with e-mail or texts.
I have several e-mail addresses from which I send missives to HR and department heads at colleges when professors rant insanely. I also send notes of support to the same offices if a professor is being unduly canceled by the feral, liberal mob.
The teacher is Danielle Mann. She teaches English. She can be reached at: mannd@talawanda.org.
The Talawanda School Superintendent (Dr. Edward Theroux) can be reached at: therouxe@talawanda.org
(The contact info above is available on publicly accessible web page for the school district. I am not providing anything illegally garnered.)
Bet 1000% they kill Trump or cause a huge terrorist attack and blame it on Iran. They as in the Jews and the Masonic fucks too. They have a plan and the majority will fall for it, as we have done time and times again. Then we go to war with Iran, Majority white military, while all the white women and children are left here with the same Mfrs you all go to fight. The Jews make all the "Refugees", send them here, and soon the jews will evaluate as they create a religious war between the Christians and Muslims. People wake the fuck up!!!! Muslims, not all but the majority, are dumb enough to believe anything they are told, as are the majority of most races.
Why can no one see? Don't believe me... THEY SAY IT ALL THEMSELVES!!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/deNDyJZQ6khb
Americans need to wake the fuck up!!!
she's the result of the CIA going across college campuses across america from the late 70s thru the 90s recruiting agents
there's lots more like her and even worse than her waiting to be triggered
Fire her, with no benefits.
I never got into politics with my sister. Its like talking to the tv. She tried to see if i was republican or liked T but i never fell for it. I think the 2 party system is bs. I think the military is in control and the Qew thing is real. I think the whole Bydin show was just to keep the normies in check as operations behind the scenes are happening.
The truth is so huge these people are going to lose their minds. The media will drip out the truth slowly to avoid mass hysteria, but we each have to go through the process. I had a couple nervous breakdowns as a conspiracy nutto. There is so much evil. Thousands and thousands of missing people every year. The US has the most by far. I think its linked to "aliens" that feed off humans but that's crazy talk. So most people just laugh or change the subject. Why avoid such a huge subject that threatens everything you know? Because we have been programmed since birth to eat, work, sleep.
Go to Nigeria. Be a, 'hoe"...
Hate it here? Then go there. Get a train run on you. Get the disease. And then, " Na na na NA! HEY AY-AY GOODBYE".
WAKANDA has the meds & science! Y'all believed in it when Hollyweird & Biden said it!
"You will be savvvvved 'AH!"
It was amazing to see how many ηιggєяs believed wakanda was an actual place on the dark continent.
All of these things are a clear warning to stay away from a mentally ill person.
Thank you for the warning.
BTW, where are all the people that were hurt, maimed, killed from Trumps first tenure as president?
Some of them are still in prison - we call them the Jan6th Patriots, the rest have criminal records for life, got fired from their jobs, are most likely in debt from hiring defense lawyahs.
Sorry, where are all the Liberals they claim were killed/maimed/injured?
Kamala coming back in 2028 with a southern accent and blue ball cap!
She will be back - just like Killary, Big Mike, Maxine Waters-on-the-brain, Faucahontas et al - they just keep coming back to inflict pain on whomever they can find, like the sickness/death/plagues/human ticks that they are.
Thisn is the reason the DOE needs to be abolished and the states taking over the education of the kids according to how their parents want them taught. Monies should still be collected but no control on how the money is spent that way the poorer states will still be in line money wise as the richer states. PS this vile woman needs to be fired.
I know about other groups of people, who sought to identify certain folks by forcing them to wear yellow star of David on their clothing, while they wore red armbands with a swasticker on it.
I keep saying - these liberal psycho's are not going anywhere - they are going to sabotage Trump's America in every way they can think of - they are in the school systems, banking system, medical professions, court systems and have access to your personal data. They will use it to cause all sorts of grief for Trump supporters.
They are the "Enemy Within"!
Since she referenced "skin color" of potential victims of the "orange vomet" - I'm azzuming she talking about Deplorable Garbage Christian Conservative White Men with set of balls, guns, God & religion - like Killary told us in 2016 and most recently Kamalala labeled us as unstable wife-beaters. But again, I'm azzzuming whut the cat lady's intent/meaning is.
Only God knows how many young minds have been twisted by this bytch.
She(?) needs to scoot on back to her safe place with all the cats.
The teachers unions needs desperately to begin hiring adults to teach the children, because the children that are teaching the children, are not good for any of the children!
Really? I sort of thought it as Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms myself. I mean that fits perfectly into that childish mindset and a balanced breakfast!
Mental BEFORE, mental AFTER.
These teachers should be made to sign an agreement to be politics neutral or lose their license.
Oh she is going to enjoy the job market. And with Social Media... oh yeah. By the way, I have to wonder how many parents have a bone to pick with her.
Awww a fat humming bird
Danger? Grave danger? Perhaps. With all these mentally deranged retards failing to cope, one never knows when another liberal psycho will explode.
Now we know who not to help if they are getting mugged or in a car accident,just let them die alone.
She went from being a single cat lady, to being an unemployed single cat lady. I recommend she apply for a teaching job in Canada.
Demorat/Marxist cun*s like this call us deplorables, nazis, Hitlers and garbage when we reject their insane policies: men can have babies and play in women's sports; opening borders for millions of illiterate, America hating, worthless (unless they know how to mow grass) who will never bother to learn our language.
It may be that our only salvation is to sound an alert:
These rants remind me of the monologue in a Terminator movie. The world disappeared in a flash of light…. Then the MAGA Terminator’s came to wipe out the rest of humanity, if you are hearing this, you are not alone and you are the resistance. Trumpnet must be destroyed.
Anybody else thinking about wearing a blue bracelet and a MAGA hat just to make more heads pop?
Dump the trash on an Island with seeds and a gargen fork with all the other trash.