In a horrifying occurrence in Uttar Pradesh's Shahjahanpur, a woman allegedly killed her husband by repeatedly hitting his head with a brick till his brain spilled out. The incident took place on Thursday, August 8. In a video, the woman can be seen sitting on her deceased husbands chest and taking off flesh from his head.
It is said that her husband, Satyapal, wanted to eat non-veg food and demanded Gayatri, who was a vegetarian, to cook non-veg for him. She refused as it was the month of Sawan, leading to a heated argument.
Gayatri grabbed a brick and struck her husband. Satyapal attempted to flee by going outdoors, but Gayatri pursued him, knocked him down, and then sat on his chest, repeatedly pounding his head with the brick. Her wrath was so strong that she refused to stop until his brain was exposed and blood was everywhere. Witnesses were too scared to act.