You can hear the white girl pleading with the feral beast that she has no idea who she is and doesn't understand why this is happening as she gets punched and head stomped.
The black girl just served notice on society that she will be a menace.
Recovering signals of ghost archaic introgression in African populations
[19 percent archaic DNA not found in asians or caucasians] 'While introgression from Neanderthals and Denisovans has been documented in modern humans outside Africa...Our results reveal the substantial contribution of archaic ancestry in shaping the gene pool of present-day West African populations.
0 points
4 months ago
I would have killed this black gorilla if I had been there.
Claude Balls
0 points
4 months ago
Get a rope.
Joe Hadenough
0 points
4 months ago
we could use ricki lake or jenny jones to send these kids to bootcamp these days
something tells me this wont end with the next trump administration
it might get worse ✡️👈
MarsGundam .
0 points
4 months ago
Of all the various races of women on Earth the black one is by far the worst one of them all. No kindness, sympathy or empathy should be wasted on these menaces to the human race.
0 points
4 months ago
Have we learned nothing about discipline from D'Jango Unchained ?
Dat Bee-atch is a mandingo fighter.
Lar B
0 points
4 months ago
That was a man. It said suck my dick????
0 points
3 months ago
It was a wildebeest.
0 points
4 months ago
Get it my lovely EbonyQueen, show that awful LandKKKrab!!!!
0 points
4 months ago
Yep, that's your type of shebeast, Negro.
0 points
4 months ago
When you wretched SnowRoaches were slave-owners, you would regularly
rape a gorgeous Sistahgirl, just like the one in this vid!!
Claude Balls
0 points
4 months ago
Your negroid constipation must be backing up all the way to your eyeballs...gorgeous?!
Gross is more like it.
0 points
3 months ago
LOLOL!!! Shebeasts are 'gorgeous' to you!
Dayyyum, I'm glad I'm not a cursed Negro like you, Negro.
I bet your woman is quite a looker/ right/ LOLOLOL!!!! You're cursed Negros!
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
4 months ago
weal troll is weak. And, a troll.
0 points
4 months ago
NOPE, not one bit.........but if it makes you feel better, have at it.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Never felt bad, 'boon.
0 points
3 months ago
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Lookee there, 'boon has learned to mimic human behavior! Somebody get the chimp a banana!
0 points
3 months ago
OK, then you go give your trailertrash-partner, who is also your Sisterwife, a good bonering, racist
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Ahhh, the drooling rhetoric and ignorant stereotypes schtick. There's a surprise. You ain't a 'boon, you're a little pink troll. Ask your masters for a new script, pink troll. You're boring and predictable, pinky.
0 points
3 months ago
YOU are the smelly PinkZombie, we are ChocolatePeople, so kill that sheeeit.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pinktroll LoL
0 points
3 months ago
ESAD Hinky!
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll
0 points
3 months ago
If it makes you feel better, but I DO believe what I post, so sorry!
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll
0 points
3 months ago
Pinkzombie talking sheeeit, GTFO!
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll
0 points
4 months ago
THIS is justice, you PinkZombies should have never shackled us.
they are not really people
0 points
4 months ago
Happy Thanksgiving, monkeyboy. choke on a wishbone. Hey, why don't you tell me your address so I can deliver your reparations personally?
0 points
4 months ago
You sure about that? Doubt you'd show up alone.
they are not really people
0 points
4 months ago
ya that's how the nogs do it, always in a pack, like wolves.
Claude Balls
0 points
4 months ago
Nignogs attack in packs, like hyenas.
0 points
4 months ago
I WILL take your stupid post as a direct-threat, Agents will be dispatched.....REALLY!
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
4 months ago
You won’t do shit but talk a whole lot of it.
they are not really people
0 points
4 months ago
send that girl SS agent when Trump was shot at, the one who couldn't holster her gun LMAO
0 points
4 months ago
Bad idea LandKKKrab, in fact utter stupidity, Doctor Yakub made a huge mistake
when he invented you Idiots.
they are not really people
0 points
4 months ago
ooo u are using voice to text! know how I know? cuz you sound like a dumbass immigrant! "MAY a huge mistake" can you sound any more sp!clike? Wait, I thought you were African? either way, subhuman.
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
3 months ago
A fvckin retard troll is what he is.
0 points
4 months ago
I think your about too cry!!
0 points
4 months ago
It was your fellow ape nosed, boot lipped, yellow eyed, pubic head haired, sh!tskinned 'brothers' who enslaved your ancestors, Negro.
0 points
4 months ago
You fucking lie, racists assed SnowRoach!
0 points
3 months ago
'SnowRoach', I think that's your way of calling me white?
Thanks for the compliment, Negro.
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, I don't have to make up any names for you, I just call you what you are; a Negro!
Your children also have ape noses, boot lips, yellowed eyes, pubic head hair, and covered in sh!tskin too!
Dayyyyum I'm glad I'm not a cursed Negro like you, your mama, sisters, and children.
Ha,ha,ha,ha, Negro.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
4 months ago
Newsflash, chimp, ain't no living slave owners and YOU wasn't every in "chains". You know, except for all those times in county lockup for being a piece of shit criminal.
0 points
4 months ago
The Uhuru-Uprising will be a huge comeuppance for all you stinking SnowBeasts,
think Haitian-purge x 1000!!!
they are not really people
0 points
4 months ago
ya, haiti and that purge.......
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
3 months ago
You don’t want the smoke
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Yawn. Ain't a 'boon within a hundred miles of my home. It's a great place to live. : )
0 points
3 months ago
Just you wait dirty Hinky!!!
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Ya comin' for me after you get your welfare check, 'boon? hahahahahahaha I wont hold my breath.
Lady Schadenfreude
0 points
3 months ago
When were you shackled?
0 points
3 months ago
My Peeps you stinky SnowApe.
Lady Schadenfreude
0 points
3 months ago
Oh dear! once again you're making assumptions about person you have never meet nor spoken with in a civilised manner because know nothing about their creed or race.
Your so called people would rob you if they found you lying on the ground, they would urinate on you if you were on fire and would violate your mother in front of you at every opportunity.
If social media could contract an illness it would be a troll like you and it would be akin to the Pox.
Now unless you can converse without your use of profanity go sit in the corner and scratch yourself where we mentioned a few days ago.
B.C Shaughnessy
0 points
4 months ago
The only reason these feral simians exist is because of the Demonrat party . The feed , house and provide them with entertainment to keep them on their reservation for votes to keep them in power . I hope we have a major Just Us system do-over reset and enforce the laws already on the books . That assault should be 2 years in prison just for the head stomp alone . The theft of the phone should be an additional 6 months to 1 year of community service and 3 years probation . When they feel the Pain justice will Reign . People have had it with these attacks . That dumb bitch just stood there waiting to be attacked . No clue the savage beast was intent on causing her permanant physical damage . Always carry a fukking legal utility camping knife . Not a razor . Know where to stab with out killing . And where to stab to KILL . Thank me later . Or carry a gun and when that feral POS steps in your zone have it ready to fire with a warning screamed out 1st .
0 points
3 months ago
Fuck these worthless niggers.
What's the matter VidMax, can't say "nigger" here?
Saint James Matamoros
0 points
4 months ago
No reason? How about white envy with no impulse control and the lowest of low IQ scores? So tired of these sub humans.
Richard Wahd
0 points
4 months ago
Like the person holding the camera knew what was gonna happen
0 points
3 months ago
need to put these boon animals down, asap
Jeffrey Wilson-USA
0 points
4 months ago
Negro will ALWAYS be jealous of White people, because Negro was not born White. This is an eternal inferiority complex, tied forever to sub–Saharan African DNA.
0 points
4 months ago
Jeffrey that's profound thing you've ever said in the last decade on vidmax
0 points
4 months ago
....and MIRRORS! Imagine getting up in the morning and THAT glaring back at you from the mirror!
0 points
4 months ago
You are 100% correct. They are not jealous though, the more accurate word is envious.
Rappin Dawg
0 points
4 months ago
A couple years ago diddling white liberals started kneeling and here we are.
0 points
4 months ago
Keep voting democrat white women, you want all those rights they give you, and lefts.
0 points
4 months ago
Did any politician, Democrat -- or Republican -- ever utter one damn word about the worsening epidemic of ape on human hate crimes?
Did Fox or Rogan or any conservative podcast ever even hint at a war on whites?
Major Festering
0 points
4 months ago
Situational awareness demands that you do not enter the jungle of the irrational silverback. This is why God made concealed carry.
Feel Lucky?
0 points
3 months ago
You'd probably fare better in a real zoo with God's creatures than those heathen muddies.ha
Major Festering
0 points
3 months ago
At least the animal motives are straightforward.
Eat, sleep, reproduce, find a nice spot under a shady tree overlooking the savannah.
City creatures have tiny brains saturated by God only knows what drugs used to drown out all the stupid noise in their skulls.
0 points
4 months ago
I imagine until it affects one of them personally they'll ignore it and won't mention it. Same as the cross dresser elected to office they never seriously mentioned keeping them out of the women's bathrooms until it affected them personally.
B.C Shaughnessy
0 points
4 months ago
When you do your attacked and killed if you don't go away ! Colin Flaharty and Marvin Newbern were told to shut up and paid the price with their lives to expose the insane national numbers happening . Yea we all knew it was bad and increasing but when Colin laid it out EVERY DAY in his podcasts we were incensed to pay more attention to it . IT IS EPIDEMIC and they are at war with us , plain and simple . I grew up living in it . City negro's are the meanest shit birds you will ever encounter . My family asked why I would we would ever leave Rottonchester NY and move to E/NC . They are all Dems . I said " To many angry nogs , to many militant fphaggots , to many phagot teacher's , 2 months of Gay pride , not 1 , but 2 . Rochester has a huge phag residency . The biggest gripe was no damn work due to Mexican's in my trades . Any way they all laughed at us . While they had Riots all summer and BLM bs , we were safe in this beach community because the Cops hate BLM and said so . They had no parade or protest here they were run off by cops and locals , all openly armed . When Covid 19 hit , we had a beach house remodel job and had 5 weeks living on the job site while NYS killed them all and kept them locked down like infants . Self segregating worked for my family and my kids have had 11 years nog drama free . They thanked me for it . 11 years of ZERO Gay pride also !
0 points
4 months ago
0 points
4 months ago
Norm Macdonald would have mentioned it more than once.
0 points
4 months ago
Charlie Kirk does.
Feel Lucky?
0 points
3 months ago
Not politicians but the Hodge Twins,who are black call out naggers even calling them as such.
Funny smart guys with a white mum I think. tho they are black themselves point out the truth ...across the internet, X,twatter,etc.........Naggers,they hate em.
And they havea great channel.
I encourage my friends to search them out on YouTube (where I watch em)
Let me know what you think.
Rappin Dawg
0 points
4 months ago
0 points
3 months ago
they can't figure it out, so many of my friends wives are die hard dems!
0 points
4 months ago
So if I had seen this, I could have shot that thing--right?
Cold Blakk
0 points
4 months ago
Mike Oglesbee
0 points
4 months ago
depends on the state but hell at least try to de-escalate the situation first . I would do what I could after calling 911 but defo be watching my back she may have some thug buddies ready to run up on ya.
I dont care if it was a yt chick doing same to a blerk chick I would do the same.
0 points
4 months ago
Yes. Threat of severe bodily injury or death to yourself or others is justifiable homicide. Look it up.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
4 months ago
Yes. Just keep walking, afterwards. That 'boon needs dead. Remind you of your sister/mom?...
0 points
3 months ago
stupid as s hole
0 points
4 months ago
Mmhm. Asking her to suck her massive male gorilla d1ck
0 points
4 months ago
If there’s hate towards these people, it’s because they perpetuate it themselves.
0 points
4 months ago
....and by GOD they do a magnificent job!!
0 points
4 months ago
Look at the size of that girl-illa ... that horrid, non-human rubbery face. The sound of those punches to the head and neck could mean some serious damage.
An accessory to this assault and battery on a minor child and hate crime was the ape who filmed it. Hope they're caught, although as a federally protected species they enjoy immunity from arrest or detention.
I would also hope the victim's small dog escaped unharmed. She might consider upgrading to a Cane Corso or Tibetan Mastiff.
0 points
4 months ago
Yep: Looks as though the only way to stop it, is if some of them just start to go 'missing'....................................and you can read what you like into that!
0 points
4 months ago
Violent filthy feral RATCHET ☻!
in a stand your ground state you could shoot that animal🤷🏻♂️
0 points
4 months ago
Albert Schweitzer "I have given my life to try to alleviate the suffering of Africa. There is something that all white men who have lived here, like I, must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate to or share equally with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring to them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let white men from anywhere in the world, who would come to Africa, remember: you must continually retain this status; you the master, and they are the inferior- like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you.”
0 points
4 months ago
Aye: I have that on a meme somewhere. And he should know, he spent years with them!
0 points
4 months ago
That's exactly what we're experiencing here in the USA. The truth will always show through to those who are wise.
Personally I wish Negros were equal, but the truth is they just aren't.
There are good individual ones but as a whole the differences are stark and as real as math scores or Africa vs Europe.
Cbill Morris
0 points
4 months ago
"There are good individual ones" -- but not enough:
-"87% of Black voters believe those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of racism."
-"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn it down." Hawk Newsome, head of BLM, NYC.
-6/12/20 86% of Blacks support BLM.pit
-9/5/16 85% of young Blacks support BLM burning sections of cities. pbs
-6/20/21 68% of Blacks believe all Whites are racist.
0 points
4 months ago
We completely agree and your stats are right on. Having said that I will also say that I have personally know some very good black people as good friends.
they are not really people
0 points
4 months ago
we know that. we get that. the issue is that the vast majority are sht. it's in their culture.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
And many people had good German friends prior to WW2. In the 1930's they criticized Churchill as a bigot for his opinion that German munitions factories should be bombed for producing weapons in violation of the WW1 Armistice Agreement -- then 60 million people died in WW2.
Those who diminish the guilt of groups that commit evil -- because it makes them feel good/nice/compassionate/superior -- feed that evil:
-In 2018 Blacks committed 45 times more violent crimes against Whites, 4 times more against Hispanics and 287 times more against Asians than they committed against Blacks.
0 points
3 months ago
I know more about WWII than probably 98% of the people in this country and I will guarantee that Churchill did not hate individual Germans.
As far as preventing the war goes, the real failure was that the Allies and especially the french did nothing when the Germans marched into the rhineland in 1936.
That was HUGE.
aryc drummond
0 points
3 months ago
Maybe. I strongly believe that the Versailles Treaty caused Hitler. It created the sever depression in the Weimar Republic. Out of it rose Hitler.
0 points
3 months ago
You're talking about a different subject. What I said is 100% true as concerns the subject I was speaking about.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
How did the Versailles Treaty cause Germans to believe that, as the Master Race, they had the right to invade and occupy all of Europe? And how did it cause German acceptance of the torture and slaughter of 12 million non-combatants, including using them as experimental animals in testing medical theories/practices?
0 points
3 months ago
The Versailles Treaty had a lot to do with Hitler's rise, but there were other factors.
One other very big factor was the rise of international communist movements too.
The ineffectiveness of the Weimar Repubic definitely was a cause as was the moral degradation going on within the nation.
The previous reply I made was as to stopping Germany's rising militancy under Hitler.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
"I will guarantee that Churchill did not hate individual Germans."
I didn't say he hated anyone, I said that he wasn't fearful of identifying the threat Germany presented:
M. E. Berume, on Winston Churchill:
“Throughout the thirties, in fact, from as early as 1933, he warned his countrymen about Hitler. In this period, he was scorned and mocked by his own party; he was called a warmonger, an anachronism from another age; indeed, it was not uncommon for detractors to question his sanity.”
0 points
3 months ago
Like I said before, we agree. I'm just saying I don't hate blacks automatically as individuals. I know that EVERYTHING about them as a group is dirt bottom suck, I get that.
However, I have known individuals that showed themselves trustworthy and honest, true friends.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
Do you hate people who are dedicated to hating your race and America?
-"87% of Black voters believe those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of racism."
-"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn it down." Hawk Newsome, head of BLM, NYC.
-6/12/20 86% of Blacks support BLM.pit
-9/5/16 85% of young Blacks support BLM burning sections of cities. pbs
-6/20/21 68% of Blacks believe all Whites are racist.
0 points
3 months ago
The majority of Negros polled said it wasn't okay to be white. This is because it's so obvious that other races and especially whites are so much better than they are.
Most Negros carry a huge inferiority complex because of this reality. In turn this leads to envy and an irrational hatred of whites.
They also project their own racist, angry behavior onto whites whcih if true would result in the immediate enslavement of all Negros. They can't see that though.
Whites on the other hand usually have negative views of Negros because of their behavior.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
Answer the question:
Do you hate people who are dedicated to hating your race and America?
0 points
3 months ago
No, I don't have to hate them to resist them. And I most definitely will never hate the good with the evil.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
Do you hate Hitler?
0 points
3 months ago
Done trying to answer questiions from idiots who can't understand an answer, creep.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
Translation: " I don't hate evil people. Even Hitler was kind to his dogs!"
People like him are why so may bad people never change: They never feel threatened by these AHs. He's incapable of passing judgement -- and loves himself for it.
Fkn AH.
0 points
3 months ago
The emotion driven creepy Billie Morris, A emotional fem.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
Says the Hitler lover.
0 points
3 months ago
I think Hitler was an extremely wicked man who eventually got what he had coming to him you fool
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
But Germans were not wicked after starting WW2 which resulted in 60 million dead -- and that was within a generation of when they started WW1 when 17 million died?
Fkn non-judgmental c*nts like you are a plague upon humanity.
0 points
3 months ago
You're an idiot, and there's no point answering a chump who makes up quotes.
You're an emotional femme Billie boi.
When I challenged your original point on Churchill, you immediately backed up on your false assertions and now continue to lie like a scorned woman.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
Answer the question, AH:
Germany started WW1 during with which 17 million people died. A generation later they started WW2 in which 60 million died and 12 million non-combatants were slaughtered. How do explain such evil without condemning Germans?
Fkn non-judgmental c*nts like you are a plague upon humanity.
0 points
3 months ago
what question you dummy? Whether or not I hate a dead man? That question speaks volumes as to your stupidity, femme boi.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
"what question"?
I repeat:
"Germany started WW1 during with which 17 million people died. A generation later they started WW2 in which 60 million died and 12 million non-combatants were slaughtered. How do you explain such evil without condemning Germans?"
0 points
3 months ago
Just like a woman you femme, Billie boi.
The original problem that your femme mind had was my refusal to hate all blacks which sent you into an emotional tizzy.
You then switched the subject just like a woman.
You brought up Churchill and when I challenged you on that you quickly changed it to Hitler
Asked if I hated a dead man! Ha,ha,ha you dummy.
Now you demand I condemn the good with the evil once again.
No, I don't condemn good men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer just because his nation started a terrible war. I also don't hate good blacks just because the majority of their people are dogsh!t.
You're an emotion driven femme Billie boi, and quite a stupid one at that.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
"No, I don't condemn good men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer just because his nation started a terrible war" -- "JUST BECAUSE HIS NATION STARTED A TERRIBLE WAR"?!!
What kind of vile creature refuses to condemn Germany for causing the death of 76 million people in WW1/2 even though all evidence condemns Germany?:
-“Eighty-nine and nine-tenths per cent of the German voters endorsed in yesterday's plebiscite Chancellor Hitler's assumption of greater power than has been possessed by any other ruler in modern times.” NYT
-Hitler announced: "Under the rules of Parliamentary Democracy I obtained the absolute majority of votes and today I have the unanimous support of the German people."
This appeaser monkey no doubt would have supported appeaser PM Chamberlain -- who refused to condemn Germany for rebuilding its wehrmacht in violation of the Treaty of Versaille -- who gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler and bragged about "Peace in our time." Then 60 million people died.
My purpose here was to expose the type of person who is intellectually incapable of condemning groups of people for evil acts...which results in more evil acts. It has been so throughout human history. He would, however, condemn Republican General Ulysses S. Grant, Commander of the Union Army, for commenting on the treason of the Democrat Party's Confederacy: "There are two parties now, traitors and patriots," and protest saying "But not all Southern Democrats were pro-slavery!!!"
Appeasers of evil are a curse upon humanity.
0 points
3 months ago
Once again femme boi Billie lets her emotions win over facts and reading comprehension!
No I don't condemn Diertrich Bonhoeffer or decent blacks because of the rest of their people's evil.
Wrong again on my opinion of another historical figure due to her emotional reactions void of logic due to female reasoning at it's finest.
I think Grant showed he was the greatest general of the Civil War and especially so in his western campaigns, particularly at Vicksburg.
Guessing her lack of knowlege concerning the Civil War mirrors Billie girl's lack of knowledge concerning WWII.
As for appeasment, I do wholly condemn that behavior as I do now by not appeasing Billie girl's femme emotions concerning right and wrong.
I think you need to loosen your panties a notch because it's having an effect on the circulation to your brain.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
Why don't you condemn Grant for judging all Democrats as traitors? "There are two parties now, traitors and patriots"
0 points
3 months ago
I most certainly wouldn't condemn Grant even if he was alive.
He never said all Demonrats were traitors either, Miss Billie.
He did say: "The war is over — the rebels are our countrymen again. The war is over, the Rebels are our countrymen again, and the best sign of rejoicing after the victory will be to abstain from all demonstrations in the field."
"That is, by arming the negro we have added a powerful ally. They will make good soldiers and taking them from the enemy weaken him in the same proportion they strengthen us. I am therefore most decidedly in favor of pushing this policy to the enlistment of a force sufficient to hold all the South falling into our hands and to aid in capturing more."
Even though I disagree with that second quote I'm still not going to condemn him.
Are YOU now going to condemn him, Misss Bille?
Ha,ha,ha,ha you femme.
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
People like this irritating dude have a pathological compulsion to "be nice" to bad/evil groups to prove that they're above hating anyone. He said that...
-"87% of Black voters believe those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of racism."
-"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn it down." Hawk Newsome, head of BLM, NYC.
-6/12/20 86% of Blacks support BLM.
-9/5/16 85% of young Blacks support BLM burning sections of cities.
-6/20/21 68% of Blacks believe all Whites are racist.
...merely means that "The majority of Negros polled said it wasn't okay to be white": in other words they can't/don't hate us, they just aren't "okay" with us. The clueless fk totally dismisses what these ckskrs do to us every day:
-Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender, "Crimes of Violence" (rape, robbery, assault and murder):
There were 32,442 Black against White rape crimes.
There were fewer than ten White against Black rape crimes.
-In 2018 Blacks committed 45 times more violent crimes against Whites.
Clueless fks like him make me puke.
0 points
3 months ago
You're the pathological one, creep.
Feel Lucky?
0 points
3 months ago
Barry So-sotero
0 points
4 months ago
Barry So-sotero
0 points
4 months ago
A tran-ny? It wanted the victim to suck its d!ck?
Many of the kneeegs favorite comedians had tran-ny lovers.
Richard Pryor's family admitted that he had a decades long affair with a tran-ny.
Eddy Murphy was arrested for picking up a tran-ny hooker.
There are stories about Redd Foxx and many others.
0 points
4 months ago
Carry concealed.
0 points
4 months ago yourself can't get a gun, BUT you could carry around the 'L-Beast' in a rucksack, and if attacked by 'noids, simply open up the bag and show them what's inside....they'll go "Oh that's TERRIBLE!....and us without Death sticks! Beat it lads!!" Well, it MIGHT work! ;)
0 points
4 months ago
Shame to see Us victimized in Our own country. Sadder yet to realize we will never change the course.
0 points
4 months ago
The late CoIin FIaherty had a YT channel devoted to the subject, till he was banned.
0 points
4 months ago
Yes, I heard he'd passed. Typical, eh?
0 points
4 months ago
....don't forget, folks....the ONLY difference between them and us, is a TINY soupcon of Melanin! (Have you SEEN one of these bastards YAWN???'s like a bloody Hippopotamus!)
0 points
4 months ago
....and on 'N*ggermania'! ;)
0 points
4 months ago
Were you on there? I was a super mod there for years.
0 points
4 months ago
...I was! ;)
0 points
4 months ago
What name did you use? I was WeGoneApe.
Finally quit in 2014 when Tom SheIIy's drinking became out of control.
0 points
3 months ago
Errr...I'm scouring my brain......(it's been a while)....Coondensation, that was it!
Feel Lucky?
0 points
3 months ago
Smooove man.
0 points
3 months ago
As in "What's black, and runs down a window?...Coondensation!"
jesse chaparro
0 points
4 months ago
Satan Impregnated an Ape that gave birth to the first Nigger Beast / Sub Human Savage
Stank Willie
0 points
4 months ago
if it’s smaller, outnumbered and white , it’s a target to these cowardly beasts
0 points
4 months ago
The last statement from the gorilla sums up the state of the world.
0 points
3 months ago
It looked more like a wildebeest.
orange taby
0 points
4 months ago
kill it before it breeds
K. Auss
0 points
3 months ago
probably toooooooooo late as her 11 kids would testify
Cold Blakk
0 points
4 months ago
We need to know the entire situation....crackas throw rocks and hide their hands all the time...
they are not really people
0 points
4 months ago
n!qqer apologist.
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
4 months ago
You can’t hide behind a computer forever.
Cold Blakk
0 points
4 months ago
Let me know when ur in the chicago metro area
Claude Balls
0 points
4 months ago
It figures that you would live in Chicongo.
Cold Blakk
0 points
4 months ago
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
3 months ago
Yup, you’re a f@gg0t
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
3 months ago
He probably lives in Idaho in his moms basement.
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
3 months ago
Sure thing vermin
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
4 months ago
Ya don't like it when white people steal yer job of Killin other 'boons do ya, 'boon?
Cold Blakk
0 points
4 months ago
Not sure what ur talkin about?
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
I'm talkin' about worthless homicidal nignogs like you, 'boon. That clear shit up for ya, retard?
I don't debate bigot chimps, 'boon. I RIDICULE them. That make ya mad, chimp? Do us a favor and TRY not to murder any of your fellow chimps out of impotent rage, K? I mean "my" history pales in comparison to YOUR present reality as far as violence is concerned. They truth? We should a killed more of you sub-humans sooner. Might have saved a couple of the less violent nignogs.
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
I wasnt inviting ur dumb ass to a debate cracka....dafuq are u talkin about? So called "black on black" murder is just a cope for u crackas to ignore ur own deranged pathology.....more crackas have killed each other in europe this past month than negroes in the u.s. over the past decade....not to mention all the crackas dying due to opioids and suicide....and lets not forget ur plummeting before u project ur cultural degeneracy on black people i will just remind u of ur history...
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
You seem excited to go back to machete murders and drinking the water you shit in in the gutter outside your mud hut, boy.... That 70 IQ (I'm being generous here) suits you quite well, 'boon.
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
Not even sure what ur talkin about....just more mayobabble
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
That's the problem with your low-intellect. You "don't understand" shit do ya, 'boon? I'm revising my estimate, you're at best a 40 IQ nignog.
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
Yeah, at least i can get all of my thoughts out in one post.....
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Easy to do when your ONLY "thought" is "I hate me some whitey". Good work, chimp.
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
I dont hate white people....white women are tolerable for the most part....
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL The repugnant (look it up, shitferbrains) ones are all yours, boy. We call 'em coalburners and want nothing to do with them, kinda like YOU.
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
U call em coalburners, mudsharks, etc....i call em blowjob machines....all synonyms for white women.....and i dont really guve a damn what u would or wouldnt do to them...u know and i know that white women are worthless...
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Ya do spell pretty good for bein' functionally retarded, though. Somebody get 'boon a banana!
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
Ouch....u got me there....not bad for someone whos aunt is also their cousin....
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
You realize I can see you're giving yourself thumbs ups, right, 'boon? How pathetic is that?! hahahahahahahaha. Here, I'll give ya one based on entertainment value. Intentional or not, you amuse me. You know, like a circus chimp....
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
Thanks for reminding me get the rest....
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
It's actually "whose" in the context you attempted and failed at. No wonder nobody will hire ya, 'boon.
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
Yeah....good point cracka....
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll...
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Almost 50 THOUSAND posts?! Time better spent job-hunting wouldn't you agree, chimp?
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
What makes u think i dont work? Some dumb stereotype?
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
You're a 'boon. Slinging crack and whoring out fat ugly bitches ain't a "job" 'boon. Glad to see ya got that thumb yanked free....
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
Good thing i get welfare checks and foodstamps....
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Parasites ain't known for having anything to be proud of, 'boon.
Cold Blakk
0 points
3 months ago
Which is why u crackas been walkin around mad as shit for the past 50 years?
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
LoL pink troll.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
REALITY, 'boon.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
Truth, 'boon-lipped coQQsucker, Enjoy some.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
3 months ago
You're a PET, boy. Cope.... : )
D. Sullivan
0 points
4 months ago
Super-heavyweight beefarillo versus human....
0 points
4 months ago
She forgot the #1 rule! When around Blacks...always be armed.
Claude Balls
0 points
4 months ago
If it's black, it will attack.
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
4 months ago
I never understood people that just sit there and let someone assault them? Fight back!
Mike Oglesbee
0 points
4 months ago
yup gritted my teeth
Rappin Dawg
0 points
4 months ago
No doubt she has libtard parents.
0 points
3 months ago
An entire can of pepper spray in the negros eyeballs would bring that fat slob to heal. Then kick the living sh it out of the fat slob for about 5 minutes.
Hofmeister Bear
0 points
4 months ago
At the very minimum have a blade at the ready and keep stabbing until they’re down.
Christopher Moffatt
0 points
4 months ago
Black women are the worst of America’s society! Too bad this girl didn’t carry; could have blown her black azz away for this assault.
0 points
4 months ago
The headline says the black attacked for "No reason at all." But the reason was that the black girl is a racist.
Joe Mcderpstein
0 points
4 months ago
Woulda been justified to walk up and put a slug behind that fat 'boons ear.
0 points
4 months ago
No, N*ggermania (if it still exists)
Steve Tonnesen
0 points
4 months ago
Feral animals need to be in cages.
Cbill Morris
0 points
4 months ago
Around Blax never relax -- and take the safety off.
Bruiser in Houston
0 points
4 months ago
Never relax around blacks...
FaithfulDawg O'Lazarus4.0
0 points
4 months ago
Being white wuz the reason.
Hope you learned your life lesson that day red.
0 points
4 months ago
Teach them to carry young and shoot all baboons. Hate crime with 25 years in prison.
0 points
4 months ago
As a European I cannot understand why the slaves weren't simply liquidated. There should have been a trail of black tears. Walk them to the desert and left them there to die. Look what the consequences are simply because somebody made the mistake of letting them live. In my country we do not tolerate these people. We don't employ them, hire them or befriend them. People will spit at them in the street and they don't dare respond.
Theresa Powers
0 points
4 months ago
no that is a savage nigger.
Lady Schadenfreude
0 points
3 months ago
Racism is not getting worse, it's just getting filmed. Unfortunately these people don't see themselves as Racist nor do they have any order in their lives. Indianist Orlando Villas Boas went deep into the Amazon Jungle (for those less informed that is not part of the online Shopping Matrix but an area of Brazil which probably is the last place on earth that is home to Stone Age man) in the 1970's to try and make contact with the elusive Kreen-Akrore tribe, whom had slaughtered everybody they had come in contact with, down to women and children. They don't read or write have not developed any technology other than blowpipes spears and stone axes. What he found was the only way these people would be able to adapt to the modern world and contribute and survive in its ever changing environment would be to enslave them. This gives rise to the belief that you can take a man out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of a man and they would eventually resort back to their primitive ways. So if you are pissed off with historical slavery you know what you can do. The delusion that only African were slaves shows your lack of understanding of the Worlds economic development throughout history and your inability to to accept the truth.
Hold on...checking to see if it still exists....Aye!....thar she blows!! ;)
0 points
3 months ago
Yet the white people continue to advocate for these subhumans!
0 points
3 months ago
"... for no reason at all."
We have no idea what led up to this, and the headlines here aren't reliably accurate.
they are not really people
0 points
3 months ago
perhaps. so, in your mind, that attack could be justified?
0 points
3 months ago
It's possible the attack in the video was entirely unprovoked, but that seems extremely unlikely. Whether it was justified depends on the background circumstances, which they haven't told us (and are telling us don't exist).
Of course it could be justified. If the woman with the dog just walked by the other woman's 3-year old and kicked the kid in the face for no reason, for example, this would be more than justified.
Most of these sorts of videos show some event and then suggest a scenario that may or may not be true. In some cases, they obviously aren't true based on just what we can see, or can be discredited by researching the incident.
Unless the entire scenario is clear from the video, the descriptions aren't credible.
they are not really people
0 points
3 months ago
all of what you say is plausible. But the fact is, blacks are frequently violent, even unprovoked. I vote for my scenario, rather than yours. we will never know .
aryc drummond
0 points
3 months ago
If I saw this, that sheboon kunt would wake up in ICU.
Viet Nam Vet
0 points
3 months ago
Open season cannot come soon enough !
Cbill Morris
0 points
3 months ago
"For No Reason At All"?
The reason is that she's a Nigroe...
-In 2018 Blacks committed 45 times more violent crimes against Whites, 4 times more against Hispanics and 287 times more against Asians than they committed against Blacks. doj
... the most violent, disgusting race in human history.
0 points
3 months ago
Arrest that monster
0bama's america - all this garbage started as soon as this BEAST was seated in the highest office and hasnt stopped since
Ron Jon
0 points
3 months ago
I'm guessing the attacker's last words were the same thing her daddy used to say every night before bed time.
Feel Lucky?
0 points
3 months ago
Check out the Hodge Twin if ya wany Georga,black guys mum was white I think,articulate very funny sometimes and hate naggers,show clips and commentary and content others can't or don't post.
lemme know yeah?
dano r
0 points
3 months ago
Why wasn't she arrested for a hate crime? Oh, I forgot, not the right color to be charged with that.
0 points
3 months ago
Don't post anymore of these until its legal to shoot these assholes dead in process!
Recovering signals of ghost archaic introgression in African populations
[19 percent archaic DNA not found in asians or caucasians] 'While introgression from Neanderthals and Denisovans has been documented in modern humans outside Africa...Our results reveal the substantial contribution of archaic ancestry in shaping the gene pool of present-day West African populations.
I would have killed this black gorilla if I had been there.
Get a rope.
we could use ricki lake or jenny jones to send these kids to bootcamp these days
something tells me this wont end with the next trump administration
it might get worse ✡️👈
Of all the various races of women on Earth the black one is by far the worst one of them all. No kindness, sympathy or empathy should be wasted on these menaces to the human race.
Have we learned nothing about discipline from D'Jango Unchained ?
Dat Bee-atch is a mandingo fighter.
That was a man. It said suck my dick????
It was a wildebeest.
Get it my lovely EbonyQueen, show that awful LandKKKrab!!!!
Yep, that's your type of shebeast, Negro.
When you wretched SnowRoaches were slave-owners, you would regularly
rape a gorgeous Sistahgirl, just like the one in this vid!!
Your negroid constipation must be backing up all the way to your eyeballs...gorgeous?!
Gross is more like it.
LOLOL!!! Shebeasts are 'gorgeous' to you!
Dayyyum, I'm glad I'm not a cursed Negro like you, Negro.
I bet your woman is quite a looker/ right/ LOLOLOL!!!! You're cursed Negros!
weal troll is weak. And, a troll.
NOPE, not one bit.........but if it makes you feel better, have at it.
Never felt bad, 'boon.
Lookee there, 'boon has learned to mimic human behavior! Somebody get the chimp a banana!
OK, then you go give your trailertrash-partner, who is also your Sisterwife, a good bonering, racist
Ahhh, the drooling rhetoric and ignorant stereotypes schtick. There's a surprise. You ain't a 'boon, you're a little pink troll. Ask your masters for a new script, pink troll. You're boring and predictable, pinky.
YOU are the smelly PinkZombie, we are ChocolatePeople, so kill that sheeeit.
LoL pinktroll LoL
ESAD Hinky!
LoL pink troll.
LoL pink troll
LoL pink troll
If it makes you feel better, but I DO believe what I post, so sorry!
LoL pink troll
Pinkzombie talking sheeeit, GTFO!
LoL pink troll
THIS is justice, you PinkZombies should have never shackled us.
Happy Thanksgiving, monkeyboy. choke on a wishbone. Hey, why don't you tell me your address so I can deliver your reparations personally?
You sure about that? Doubt you'd show up alone.
ya that's how the nogs do it, always in a pack, like wolves.
Nignogs attack in packs, like hyenas.
I WILL take your stupid post as a direct-threat, Agents will be dispatched.....REALLY!
You won’t do shit but talk a whole lot of it.
send that girl SS agent when Trump was shot at, the one who couldn't holster her gun LMAO
Bad idea LandKKKrab, in fact utter stupidity, Doctor Yakub made a huge mistake
when he invented you Idiots.
ooo u are using voice to text! know how I know? cuz you sound like a dumbass immigrant! "MAY a huge mistake" can you sound any more sp!clike? Wait, I thought you were African? either way, subhuman.
A fvckin retard troll is what he is.
I think your about too cry!!
It was your fellow ape nosed, boot lipped, yellow eyed, pubic head haired, sh!tskinned 'brothers' who enslaved your ancestors, Negro.
You fucking lie, racists assed SnowRoach!
'SnowRoach', I think that's your way of calling me white?
Thanks for the compliment, Negro.
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, I don't have to make up any names for you, I just call you what you are; a Negro!
Your children also have ape noses, boot lips, yellowed eyes, pubic head hair, and covered in sh!tskin too!
Dayyyyum I'm glad I'm not a cursed Negro like you, your mama, sisters, and children.
Ha,ha,ha,ha, Negro.
Newsflash, chimp, ain't no living slave owners and YOU wasn't every in "chains". You know, except for all those times in county lockup for being a piece of shit criminal.
The Uhuru-Uprising will be a huge comeuppance for all you stinking SnowBeasts,
think Haitian-purge x 1000!!!
ya, haiti and that purge.......
You don’t want the smoke
Yawn. Ain't a 'boon within a hundred miles of my home. It's a great place to live. : )
Just you wait dirty Hinky!!!
Ya comin' for me after you get your welfare check, 'boon? hahahahahahaha I wont hold my breath.
When were you shackled?
My Peeps you stinky SnowApe.
Oh dear! once again you're making assumptions about person you have never meet nor spoken with in a civilised manner because know nothing about their creed or race.
Your so called people would rob you if they found you lying on the ground, they would urinate on you if you were on fire and would violate your mother in front of you at every opportunity.
If social media could contract an illness it would be a troll like you and it would be akin to the Pox.
Now unless you can converse without your use of profanity go sit in the corner and scratch yourself where we mentioned a few days ago.
The only reason these feral simians exist is because of the Demonrat party . The feed , house and provide them with entertainment to keep them on their reservation for votes to keep them in power . I hope we have a major Just Us system do-over reset and enforce the laws already on the books . That assault should be 2 years in prison just for the head stomp alone . The theft of the phone should be an additional 6 months to 1 year of community service and 3 years probation . When they feel the Pain justice will Reign . People have had it with these attacks . That dumb bitch just stood there waiting to be attacked . No clue the savage beast was intent on causing her permanant physical damage . Always carry a fukking legal utility camping knife . Not a razor . Know where to stab with out killing . And where to stab to KILL . Thank me later . Or carry a gun and when that feral POS steps in your zone have it ready to fire with a warning screamed out 1st .
Fuck these worthless niggers.
What's the matter VidMax, can't say "nigger" here?
No reason? How about white envy with no impulse control and the lowest of low IQ scores? So tired of these sub humans.
Like the person holding the camera knew what was gonna happen
need to put these boon animals down, asap
Negro will ALWAYS be jealous of White people, because Negro was not born White. This is an eternal inferiority complex, tied forever to sub–Saharan African DNA.
Jeffrey that's profound thing you've ever said in the last decade on vidmax
....and MIRRORS! Imagine getting up in the morning and THAT glaring back at you from the mirror!
You are 100% correct. They are not jealous though, the more accurate word is envious.
A couple years ago diddling white liberals started kneeling and here we are.
Keep voting democrat white women, you want all those rights they give you, and lefts.
Did any politician, Democrat -- or Republican -- ever utter one damn word about the worsening epidemic of ape on human hate crimes?
Did Fox or Rogan or any conservative podcast ever even hint at a war on whites?
Situational awareness demands that you do not enter the jungle of the irrational silverback. This is why God made concealed carry.
You'd probably fare better in a real zoo with God's creatures than those heathen muddies.ha
At least the animal motives are straightforward.
Eat, sleep, reproduce, find a nice spot under a shady tree overlooking the savannah.
City creatures have tiny brains saturated by God only knows what drugs used to drown out all the stupid noise in their skulls.
I imagine until it affects one of them personally they'll ignore it and won't mention it. Same as the cross dresser elected to office they never seriously mentioned keeping them out of the women's bathrooms until it affected them personally.
When you do your attacked and killed if you don't go away ! Colin Flaharty and Marvin Newbern were told to shut up and paid the price with their lives to expose the insane national numbers happening . Yea we all knew it was bad and increasing but when Colin laid it out EVERY DAY in his podcasts we were incensed to pay more attention to it . IT IS EPIDEMIC and they are at war with us , plain and simple . I grew up living in it . City negro's are the meanest shit birds you will ever encounter . My family asked why I would we would ever leave Rottonchester NY and move to E/NC . They are all Dems . I said " To many angry nogs , to many militant fphaggots , to many phagot teacher's , 2 months of Gay pride , not 1 , but 2 . Rochester has a huge phag residency . The biggest gripe was no damn work due to Mexican's in my trades . Any way they all laughed at us . While they had Riots all summer and BLM bs , we were safe in this beach community because the Cops hate BLM and said so . They had no parade or protest here they were run off by cops and locals , all openly armed . When Covid 19 hit , we had a beach house remodel job and had 5 weeks living on the job site while NYS killed them all and kept them locked down like infants . Self segregating worked for my family and my kids have had 11 years nog drama free . They thanked me for it . 11 years of ZERO Gay pride also !
Norm Macdonald would have mentioned it more than once.
Charlie Kirk does.
Not politicians but the Hodge Twins,who are black call out naggers even calling them as such.
Funny smart guys with a white mum I think. tho they are black themselves point out the truth ...across the internet, X,twatter,etc.........Naggers,they hate em.
And they havea great channel.
I encourage my friends to search them out on YouTube (where I watch em)
Let me know what you think.
they can't figure it out, so many of my friends wives are die hard dems!
So if I had seen this, I could have shot that thing--right?
depends on the state but hell at least try to de-escalate the situation first . I would do what I could after calling 911 but defo be watching my back she may have some thug buddies ready to run up on ya.
I dont care if it was a yt chick doing same to a blerk chick I would do the same.
Yes. Threat of severe bodily injury or death to yourself or others is justifiable homicide. Look it up.
Yes. Just keep walking, afterwards. That 'boon needs dead. Remind you of your sister/mom?...
stupid as s hole
Mmhm. Asking her to suck her massive male gorilla d1ck
If there’s hate towards these people, it’s because they perpetuate it themselves.
....and by GOD they do a magnificent job!!
Look at the size of that girl-illa ... that horrid, non-human rubbery face. The sound of those punches to the head and neck could mean some serious damage.
An accessory to this assault and battery on a minor child and hate crime was the ape who filmed it. Hope they're caught, although as a federally protected species they enjoy immunity from arrest or detention.
I would also hope the victim's small dog escaped unharmed. She might consider upgrading to a Cane Corso or Tibetan Mastiff.
Yep: Looks as though the only way to stop it, is if some of them just start to go 'missing'....................................and you can read what you like into that!
Violent filthy feral RATCHET ☻!
in a stand your ground state you could shoot that animal🤷🏻♂️
Albert Schweitzer "I have given my life to try to alleviate the suffering of Africa. There is something that all white men who have lived here, like I, must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate to or share equally with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring to them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let white men from anywhere in the world, who would come to Africa, remember: you must continually retain this status; you the master, and they are the inferior- like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you.”
Aye: I have that on a meme somewhere. And he should know, he spent years with them!
That's exactly what we're experiencing here in the USA. The truth will always show through to those who are wise.
Personally I wish Negros were equal, but the truth is they just aren't.
There are good individual ones but as a whole the differences are stark and as real as math scores or Africa vs Europe.
"There are good individual ones" -- but not enough:
-"87% of Black voters believe those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of racism."
-"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn it down." Hawk Newsome, head of BLM, NYC.
-6/12/20 86% of Blacks support BLM.pit
-9/5/16 85% of young Blacks support BLM burning sections of cities. pbs
-6/20/21 68% of Blacks believe all Whites are racist.
We completely agree and your stats are right on. Having said that I will also say that I have personally know some very good black people as good friends.
we know that. we get that. the issue is that the vast majority are sht. it's in their culture.
And many people had good German friends prior to WW2. In the 1930's they criticized Churchill as a bigot for his opinion that German munitions factories should be bombed for producing weapons in violation of the WW1 Armistice Agreement -- then 60 million people died in WW2.
Those who diminish the guilt of groups that commit evil -- because it makes them feel good/nice/compassionate/superior -- feed that evil:
-In 2018 Blacks committed 45 times more violent crimes against Whites, 4 times more against Hispanics and 287 times more against Asians than they committed against Blacks.
I know more about WWII than probably 98% of the people in this country and I will guarantee that Churchill did not hate individual Germans.
As far as preventing the war goes, the real failure was that the Allies and especially the french did nothing when the Germans marched into the rhineland in 1936.
That was HUGE.
Maybe. I strongly believe that the Versailles Treaty caused Hitler. It created the sever depression in the Weimar Republic. Out of it rose Hitler.
You're talking about a different subject. What I said is 100% true as concerns the subject I was speaking about.
How did the Versailles Treaty cause Germans to believe that, as the Master Race, they had the right to invade and occupy all of Europe? And how did it cause German acceptance of the torture and slaughter of 12 million non-combatants, including using them as experimental animals in testing medical theories/practices?
The Versailles Treaty had a lot to do with Hitler's rise, but there were other factors.
One other very big factor was the rise of international communist movements too.
The ineffectiveness of the Weimar Repubic definitely was a cause as was the moral degradation going on within the nation.
The previous reply I made was as to stopping Germany's rising militancy under Hitler.
"I will guarantee that Churchill did not hate individual Germans."
I didn't say he hated anyone, I said that he wasn't fearful of identifying the threat Germany presented:
M. E. Berume, on Winston Churchill:
“Throughout the thirties, in fact, from as early as 1933, he warned his countrymen about Hitler. In this period, he was scorned and mocked by his own party; he was called a warmonger, an anachronism from another age; indeed, it was not uncommon for detractors to question his sanity.”
Like I said before, we agree. I'm just saying I don't hate blacks automatically as individuals. I know that EVERYTHING about them as a group is dirt bottom suck, I get that.
However, I have known individuals that showed themselves trustworthy and honest, true friends.
Do you hate people who are dedicated to hating your race and America?
-"87% of Black voters believe those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of racism."
-"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn it down." Hawk Newsome, head of BLM, NYC.
-6/12/20 86% of Blacks support BLM.pit
-9/5/16 85% of young Blacks support BLM burning sections of cities. pbs
-6/20/21 68% of Blacks believe all Whites are racist.
The majority of Negros polled said it wasn't okay to be white. This is because it's so obvious that other races and especially whites are so much better than they are.
Most Negros carry a huge inferiority complex because of this reality. In turn this leads to envy and an irrational hatred of whites.
They also project their own racist, angry behavior onto whites whcih if true would result in the immediate enslavement of all Negros. They can't see that though.
Whites on the other hand usually have negative views of Negros because of their behavior.
Answer the question:
Do you hate people who are dedicated to hating your race and America?
No, I don't have to hate them to resist them. And I most definitely will never hate the good with the evil.
Do you hate Hitler?
Done trying to answer questiions from idiots who can't understand an answer, creep.
Translation: " I don't hate evil people. Even Hitler was kind to his dogs!"
People like him are why so may bad people never change: They never feel threatened by these AHs. He's incapable of passing judgement -- and loves himself for it.
Fkn AH.
The emotion driven creepy Billie Morris, A emotional fem.
Says the Hitler lover.
I think Hitler was an extremely wicked man who eventually got what he had coming to him you fool
But Germans were not wicked after starting WW2 which resulted in 60 million dead -- and that was within a generation of when they started WW1 when 17 million died?
Fkn non-judgmental c*nts like you are a plague upon humanity.
You're an idiot, and there's no point answering a chump who makes up quotes.
You're an emotional femme Billie boi.
When I challenged your original point on Churchill, you immediately backed up on your false assertions and now continue to lie like a scorned woman.
Answer the question, AH:
Germany started WW1 during with which 17 million people died. A generation later they started WW2 in which 60 million died and 12 million non-combatants were slaughtered. How do explain such evil without condemning Germans?
Fkn non-judgmental c*nts like you are a plague upon humanity.
what question you dummy? Whether or not I hate a dead man? That question speaks volumes as to your stupidity, femme boi.
"what question"?
I repeat:
"Germany started WW1 during with which 17 million people died. A generation later they started WW2 in which 60 million died and 12 million non-combatants were slaughtered. How do you explain such evil without condemning Germans?"
Just like a woman you femme, Billie boi.
The original problem that your femme mind had was my refusal to hate all blacks which sent you into an emotional tizzy.
You then switched the subject just like a woman.
You brought up Churchill and when I challenged you on that you quickly changed it to Hitler
Asked if I hated a dead man! Ha,ha,ha you dummy.
Now you demand I condemn the good with the evil once again.
No, I don't condemn good men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer just because his nation started a terrible war. I also don't hate good blacks just because the majority of their people are dogsh!t.
You're an emotion driven femme Billie boi, and quite a stupid one at that.
"No, I don't condemn good men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer just because his nation started a terrible war" -- "JUST BECAUSE HIS NATION STARTED A TERRIBLE WAR"?!!
What kind of vile creature refuses to condemn Germany for causing the death of 76 million people in WW1/2 even though all evidence condemns Germany?:
-“Eighty-nine and nine-tenths per cent of the German voters endorsed in yesterday's plebiscite Chancellor Hitler's assumption of greater power than has been possessed by any other ruler in modern times.” NYT
-Hitler announced: "Under the rules of Parliamentary Democracy I obtained the absolute majority of votes and today I have the unanimous support of the German people."
This appeaser monkey no doubt would have supported appeaser PM Chamberlain -- who refused to condemn Germany for rebuilding its wehrmacht in violation of the Treaty of Versaille -- who gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler and bragged about "Peace in our time." Then 60 million people died.
My purpose here was to expose the type of person who is intellectually incapable of condemning groups of people for evil acts...which results in more evil acts. It has been so throughout human history. He would, however, condemn Republican General Ulysses S. Grant, Commander of the Union Army, for commenting on the treason of the Democrat Party's Confederacy: "There are two parties now, traitors and patriots," and protest saying "But not all Southern Democrats were pro-slavery!!!"
Appeasers of evil are a curse upon humanity.
Once again femme boi Billie lets her emotions win over facts and reading comprehension!
No I don't condemn Diertrich Bonhoeffer or decent blacks because of the rest of their people's evil.
Wrong again on my opinion of another historical figure due to her emotional reactions void of logic due to female reasoning at it's finest.
I think Grant showed he was the greatest general of the Civil War and especially so in his western campaigns, particularly at Vicksburg.
Guessing her lack of knowlege concerning the Civil War mirrors Billie girl's lack of knowledge concerning WWII.
As for appeasment, I do wholly condemn that behavior as I do now by not appeasing Billie girl's femme emotions concerning right and wrong.
I think you need to loosen your panties a notch because it's having an effect on the circulation to your brain.
Why don't you condemn Grant for judging all Democrats as traitors? "There are two parties now, traitors and patriots"
I most certainly wouldn't condemn Grant even if he was alive.
He never said all Demonrats were traitors either, Miss Billie.
He did say: "The war is over — the rebels are our countrymen again. The war is over, the Rebels are our countrymen again, and the best sign of rejoicing after the victory will be to abstain from all demonstrations in the field."
"That is, by arming the negro we have added a powerful ally. They will make good soldiers and taking them from the enemy weaken him in the same proportion they strengthen us. I am therefore most decidedly in favor of pushing this policy to the enlistment of a force sufficient to hold all the South falling into our hands and to aid in capturing more."
Even though I disagree with that second quote I'm still not going to condemn him.
Are YOU now going to condemn him, Misss Bille?
Ha,ha,ha,ha you femme.
People like this irritating dude have a pathological compulsion to "be nice" to bad/evil groups to prove that they're above hating anyone. He said that...
-"87% of Black voters believe those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of racism."
-"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn it down." Hawk Newsome, head of BLM, NYC.
-6/12/20 86% of Blacks support BLM.
-9/5/16 85% of young Blacks support BLM burning sections of cities.
-6/20/21 68% of Blacks believe all Whites are racist.
...merely means that "The majority of Negros polled said it wasn't okay to be white": in other words they can't/don't hate us, they just aren't "okay" with us. The clueless fk totally dismisses what these ckskrs do to us every day:
-Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender, "Crimes of Violence" (rape, robbery, assault and murder):
There were 32,442 Black against White rape crimes.
There were fewer than ten White against Black rape crimes.
-In 2018 Blacks committed 45 times more violent crimes against Whites.
Clueless fks like him make me puke.
You're the pathological one, creep.
A tran-ny? It wanted the victim to suck its d!ck?
Many of the kneeegs favorite comedians had tran-ny lovers.
Richard Pryor's family admitted that he had a decades long affair with a tran-ny.
Eddy Murphy was arrested for picking up a tran-ny hooker.
There are stories about Redd Foxx and many others.
Carry concealed. yourself can't get a gun, BUT you could carry around the 'L-Beast' in a rucksack, and if attacked by 'noids, simply open up the bag and show them what's inside....they'll go "Oh that's TERRIBLE!....and us without Death sticks! Beat it lads!!" Well, it MIGHT work! ;)
Shame to see Us victimized in Our own country. Sadder yet to realize we will never change the course.
The late CoIin FIaherty had a YT channel devoted to the subject, till he was banned.
Yes, I heard he'd passed. Typical, eh?
....don't forget, folks....the ONLY difference between them and us, is a TINY soupcon of Melanin! (Have you SEEN one of these bastards YAWN???'s like a bloody Hippopotamus!)
....and on 'N*ggermania'! ;)
Were you on there? I was a super mod there for years.
...I was! ;)
What name did you use? I was WeGoneApe.
Finally quit in 2014 when Tom SheIIy's drinking became out of control.
Errr...I'm scouring my brain......(it's been a while)....Coondensation, that was it!
Smooove man.
As in "What's black, and runs down a window?...Coondensation!"
Satan Impregnated an Ape that gave birth to the first Nigger Beast / Sub Human Savage
if it’s smaller, outnumbered and white , it’s a target to these cowardly beasts
The last statement from the gorilla sums up the state of the world.
It looked more like a wildebeest.
kill it before it breeds
probably toooooooooo late as her 11 kids would testify
We need to know the entire situation....crackas throw rocks and hide their hands all the time...
n!qqer apologist.
You can’t hide behind a computer forever.
Let me know when ur in the chicago metro area
It figures that you would live in Chicongo.
Yup, you’re a f@gg0t
He probably lives in Idaho in his moms basement.
Sure thing vermin
Ya don't like it when white people steal yer job of Killin other 'boons do ya, 'boon?
Not sure what ur talkin about?
I'm talkin' about worthless homicidal nignogs like you, 'boon. That clear shit up for ya, retard?
Homicidal? Project much cracka? Have u seen ur history?
I don't debate bigot chimps, 'boon. I RIDICULE them. That make ya mad, chimp? Do us a favor and TRY not to murder any of your fellow chimps out of impotent rage, K? I mean "my" history pales in comparison to YOUR present reality as far as violence is concerned. They truth? We should a killed more of you sub-humans sooner. Might have saved a couple of the less violent nignogs.
I wasnt inviting ur dumb ass to a debate cracka....dafuq are u talkin about? So called "black on black" murder is just a cope for u crackas to ignore ur own deranged pathology.....more crackas have killed each other in europe this past month than negroes in the u.s. over the past decade....not to mention all the crackas dying due to opioids and suicide....and lets not forget ur plummeting before u project ur cultural degeneracy on black people i will just remind u of ur history...
You seem excited to go back to machete murders and drinking the water you shit in in the gutter outside your mud hut, boy.... That 70 IQ (I'm being generous here) suits you quite well, 'boon.
Not even sure what ur talkin about....just more mayobabble
That's the problem with your low-intellect. You "don't understand" shit do ya, 'boon? I'm revising my estimate, you're at best a 40 IQ nignog.
Yeah, at least i can get all of my thoughts out in one post.....
Easy to do when your ONLY "thought" is "I hate me some whitey". Good work, chimp.
I dont hate white people....white women are tolerable for the most part....
LoL The repugnant (look it up, shitferbrains) ones are all yours, boy. We call 'em coalburners and want nothing to do with them, kinda like YOU.
U call em coalburners, mudsharks, etc....i call em blowjob machines....all synonyms for white women.....and i dont really guve a damn what u would or wouldnt do to them...u know and i know that white women are worthless...
LoL pink troll.
Ya do spell pretty good for bein' functionally retarded, though. Somebody get 'boon a banana!
Ouch....u got me there....not bad for someone whos aunt is also their cousin....
You realize I can see you're giving yourself thumbs ups, right, 'boon? How pathetic is that?! hahahahahahahaha. Here, I'll give ya one based on entertainment value. Intentional or not, you amuse me. You know, like a circus chimp....
Thanks for reminding me get the rest....
It's actually "whose" in the context you attempted and failed at. No wonder nobody will hire ya, 'boon.
Yeah....good point cracka....
LoL pink troll...
Almost 50 THOUSAND posts?! Time better spent job-hunting wouldn't you agree, chimp?
What makes u think i dont work? Some dumb stereotype?
You're a 'boon. Slinging crack and whoring out fat ugly bitches ain't a "job" 'boon. Glad to see ya got that thumb yanked free....
Good thing i get welfare checks and foodstamps....
Parasites ain't known for having anything to be proud of, 'boon.
Which is why u crackas been walkin around mad as shit for the past 50 years?
LoL pink troll
LoL pink troll.
REALITY, 'boon.
Truth, 'boon-lipped coQQsucker, Enjoy some.
You're a PET, boy. Cope.... : )
Super-heavyweight beefarillo versus human....
She forgot the #1 rule! When around Blacks...always be armed.
If it's black, it will attack.
I never understood people that just sit there and let someone assault them? Fight back!
yup gritted my teeth
No doubt she has libtard parents.
An entire can of pepper spray in the negros eyeballs would bring that fat slob to heal. Then kick the living sh it out of the fat slob for about 5 minutes.
At the very minimum have a blade at the ready and keep stabbing until they’re down.
Black women are the worst of America’s society! Too bad this girl didn’t carry; could have blown her black azz away for this assault.
The headline says the black attacked for "No reason at all." But the reason was that the black girl is a racist.
Woulda been justified to walk up and put a slug behind that fat 'boons ear.
No, N*ggermania (if it still exists)
Feral animals need to be in cages.
Around Blax never relax -- and take the safety off.
Never relax around blacks...
Being white wuz the reason.
Hope you learned your life lesson that day red.
Teach them to carry young and shoot all baboons. Hate crime with 25 years in prison.
As a European I cannot understand why the slaves weren't simply liquidated. There should have been a trail of black tears. Walk them to the desert and left them there to die. Look what the consequences are simply because somebody made the mistake of letting them live. In my country we do not tolerate these people. We don't employ them, hire them or befriend them. People will spit at them in the street and they don't dare respond.
no that is a savage nigger.
Racism is not getting worse, it's just getting filmed. Unfortunately these people don't see themselves as Racist nor do they have any order in their lives. Indianist Orlando Villas Boas went deep into the Amazon Jungle (for those less informed that is not part of the online Shopping Matrix but an area of Brazil which probably is the last place on earth that is home to Stone Age man) in the 1970's to try and make contact with the elusive Kreen-Akrore tribe, whom had slaughtered everybody they had come in contact with, down to women and children. They don't read or write have not developed any technology other than blowpipes spears and stone axes. What he found was the only way these people would be able to adapt to the modern world and contribute and survive in its ever changing environment would be to enslave them. This gives rise to the belief that you can take a man out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of a man and they would eventually resort back to their primitive ways. So if you are pissed off with historical slavery you know what you can do. The delusion that only African were slaves shows your lack of understanding of the Worlds economic development throughout history and your inability to to accept the truth.
Make segregation great again.
Hold on...checking to see if it still exists....Aye!....thar she blows!! ;)
Yet the white people continue to advocate for these subhumans!
"... for no reason at all."
We have no idea what led up to this, and the headlines here aren't reliably accurate.
perhaps. so, in your mind, that attack could be justified?
It's possible the attack in the video was entirely unprovoked, but that seems extremely unlikely. Whether it was justified depends on the background circumstances, which they haven't told us (and are telling us don't exist).
Of course it could be justified. If the woman with the dog just walked by the other woman's 3-year old and kicked the kid in the face for no reason, for example, this would be more than justified.
Most of these sorts of videos show some event and then suggest a scenario that may or may not be true. In some cases, they obviously aren't true based on just what we can see, or can be discredited by researching the incident.
Unless the entire scenario is clear from the video, the descriptions aren't credible.
all of what you say is plausible. But the fact is, blacks are frequently violent, even unprovoked. I vote for my scenario, rather than yours. we will never know .
If I saw this, that sheboon kunt would wake up in ICU.
Open season cannot come soon enough !
"For No Reason At All"?
The reason is that she's a Nigroe...
-In 2018 Blacks committed 45 times more violent crimes against Whites, 4 times more against Hispanics and 287 times more against Asians than they committed against Blacks. doj
... the most violent, disgusting race in human history.
Arrest that monster
0bama's america - all this garbage started as soon as this BEAST was seated in the highest office and hasnt stopped since
I'm guessing the attacker's last words were the same thing her daddy used to say every night before bed time.
Check out the Hodge Twin if ya wany Georga,black guys mum was white I think,articulate very funny sometimes and hate naggers,show clips and commentary and content others can't or don't post.
lemme know yeah?
Why wasn't she arrested for a hate crime? Oh, I forgot, not the right color to be charged with that.
Don't post anymore of these until its legal to shoot these assholes dead in process!