02:07 Drunk Arab Truck Driver Who Barely Speaks English Kills 5 People Including A Baby In Austin 0 1 0
00:15 Bat$hit Crazy Tranny Kidnaps And Brutalizes An 89-Year-Old Woman And Leaves Her For Dead 1 16 0
03:03 Black College Student Loses Her Mind In Class, Threatens To Kill White People, Assaults A White Woman 0 5 0
Disturbing Video Shows Parents Practicing Their Kinks In Public With Their Kids As Witnesses FAIL!WTF 103 days ago Prev video Next video x2x1.5x1x0.500:00 / 00:00PlayMuteFullscreenFluid Player 3.51.0 01:33 Keep At It, Dip$hits: The Democrat's Favorability Falls To The Lowest Level In CNN History 0 0 0 00:36 Freak Bartender In Indianapolis Threatens Woman With A Trump Hat And Kicks Her Out 3 5 0 00:56 Employee From At Home Gets Assaulted By A Ghetto Mama And Her Fat Spawn 0 1 0 00:28 This Is Ireland...Correction...This Was Ireland 1 6 0 02:58 El Salvador President Accepts The 238 Tren de Aragua Gang Members Trump Sent To Him, The Ones A Crooked Obama Judge Tried To Stop 8 0 0 01:06 Seattle Seems To Have Taken The Lead In The Dystopia Games 7 1 0 × 0 13 0 Posted by moku 103 days ago FAIL!WTF This was the disturbing scene at the Texas Renaissance Festival as two parents did some public kink-shaming while their two kids were with them. The mother actually held the baby as she shamed her husband in public. COMMENTS VIDMAX
01:33 Keep At It, Dip$hits: The Democrat's Favorability Falls To The Lowest Level In CNN History 0 0 0
02:58 El Salvador President Accepts The 238 Tren de Aragua Gang Members Trump Sent To Him, The Ones A Crooked Obama Judge Tried To Stop 8 0 0