Alexander Rakitin, 42, was riding the N-train when he was randomly harassed and punched. After he pinned the attacker to the ground, other passengers jumped in to help the guy who started it! Listen to what he has to say after the video (0:52).
Alexander Rakitin, 42, was riding the N train to his finance job in Manhattan on Monday morning.
He sat next to 34-year-old Timothy Barbee.
When the train started moving, Rakitin's knee accidentally jostled Barbee’s, which triggered the alleged attack.
Barbee was arrested and charged with assault.
“He was just very aggressive. I’m like, saying, ‘Dude, just chill, it’s like 8:30 in the morning. Like, who needs this shitt? Just chill.'”
“I was able to wrestle him to the ground after that, and just kind of hold him.”
“And the craziest part was that — and this is literally upsetting like I’m actually emotional about it — people on the train were trying to help him. Like, that was the most insane thing.”
“It was also remarkable — he went from acting like such a thug. And then he turned into a little bitch right away. He’s like, ‘I can’t breathe. Please, let me go. Please, let me go. I can’t breathe. Somebody give me some water. I can’t breathe.’ And people started giving him water. That was so insane.”