An FBI Agent with a nose ring who can barely speak coherent English sentences told the media that a terrorist driving a truck with an ISIS flag killing 10 Americans is NOT a terrorist attack!?!
Weapons and two potential improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, were located in the vehicle, Duncan said. At least one other IED was found in the French Quarter, and was detonated by law enforcement, a person familiar with the investigation said. The number of IEDs left behind is a large part of why the FBI believes the man may have had an accomplice, sources tell CBS News.”
Earlier Wednesday morning Special FBI agent Alethea Duncan said this was NOT a terrorist event.
“This is not a terrorist event. What it is right now is there were improvised explosive devices that was found and we are working on confirming if this is a viable device or not,” Alethea Duncan said.
This woman should have been fired immediately.