While NASA is searching for life on Mars, a CIA document claims it was found 40 years ago.
The report, 'Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,' details how the agency used astral projection—the idea that a person's spirit can travel through the astral plane—to transport a 'subject' to Mars approximately one million years BC.
The study was part of Project Stargate, a secret US Army unit established in 1977 that focused on anomalous phenomena, including remote viewing, telepathy, and psychokinesis.
Participants were exposed to sounds like binaural beats and hemi-sync audio to induce altered states of consciousness and promote psychic abilities.
The experiment's 'subject' was transported to the planet during the specified year, reporting an 'oblique view of a pyramid' and a 'very large road' with a monument similar to those known among ancient Egyptians on Earth, the report claims.
The vision then shifted to a population of 'very large people' searching for 'a new place to live because their environment was corrupted.'
Project Stargate was the US government's new weapon against the Soviet Union, aimed at creating mind-reading spies who could infiltrate the minds of its enemies.
The classified project was conducted at Fort Meade in Maryland, recruiting men and women who claimed to have extrasensory perception (ESP) to help uncover military and domestic intelligence secrets.
Source: The Daily Mail