00:53 Los Angeles Is So Bad, The Crips Have To Police Their Streets And Shut Down Illegal Takeovers 5 4 0
00:22 Illegal Invaders Are Found Hiding In The Front Of A Train That Was Travelling Between Italy And France 4 20 0
02:27 LOL, Stupid, Well-Known Flatearther Travels All The Way To Antarctica To Prove His Theory Only To Discover The Earth Is Round 9 9 0
02:37 A Feral Karen Tries To Imprison A Lowes Delivery Driver After The Refrigerator She Ordered Didn't Fit Her Kitchen 6 6 0
00:08 The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again, Muslim Plows Through Christmas Crowd In Germany, Killing Several And Injuring Dozens 2 12 0
00:49 Degenerate TikToker Sprays Poisonous Bug Spray On Food In A Supermarket, Destroying Almost A million Dollars Worth Of Stock 0 1 0
01:03 A UFO In New Jersey Shoots Out Powerful Laser Beams And A Spotlight Into The Atmosphere!!! 4 0 0
00:30 Giant tree ripped from its roots shows full force of Hurricane Matthew storm battering the USA 1 2 0
00:20 Apocalyptic scenes as Hurricane Matthew leaves historic city of St Augustine submerged under water 1 1 0
01:00 NOAA Aircraft flies directly into hurricane Matthew, it's exactly as terrifying as you think it is. 1 3 0
00:27 Dramatic footage: Typhoon rips roof off home with people inside and all they can do is scream 1 0 0
00:41 Lava lake on Hawaii's Kilauea volcano spits & bubbles after a recent increase in seismic activity 1 0 0
00:54 Home swept away by the Typhoon Lionrock smashes itself into bits as it flows down a torrent of water 0 0 0
00:29 [Graphic] 28 yr old Landlord attacks 2 women over loud music, bites their faces, then brutally beats them 5 3 0