00:47 Truck Stalls Out On Train Tracks In West Texas Causing A Horrible Derailment, Killing 2, Injuring 4 4 2 0
00:20 Motorcyclist Almost Sees The Pearly Gates When A Car Almost Sends Him Flying Off And Overpass 0 3 0
00:49 Degenerate TikToker Sprays Poisonous Bug Spray On Food In A Supermarket, Destroying Almost A million Dollars Worth Of Stock 0 3 0
00:22 Illegal Invaders Are Found Hiding In The Front Of A Train That Was Travelling Between Italy And France 4 20 0
00:08 The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again, Muslim Plows Through Christmas Crowd In Germany, Killing Several And Injuring Dozens 2 12 0
01:38 Dramatic video of Wolf taking down a sheep on Highway 40 in Kananaskis Country, Alberta, Canada 11 8 0
00:51 Europe's highest volcano experiences explosive eruptions, shooting red lava into the sky. 0 0 0
00:38 Massive storm that damaged 900 homes rips a giant billboard from the face of a building in Thailand 7 14 0