01:41 Limp-Wristed Dickhead With A Beard Says It's Time For Europe To Invade America Because Of Ukraine 0 10 0
03:22 A Massive Group Of Women Have Been Rescued From Chinese Gangsters Who Were Harvesting Their Eggs 3 0 0
00:25 A Bullrider In Florida Gets Gored Through The Throat As He Gets Bucked Off The Wild Beast 0 4 0
01:05 Tragic Video Shows A Man Jumping Off A Cliff In Hawaii And Dying When Hitting The Rocky Waters Below 1 10 0
00:44 NY Attorney General Ratchet, Latitia James, Rants And Raves Over Trump Shutting Off The Illegal Gravy Train 4 3 0
00:51 Instead of pesticides, a South African vineyard uses an army of 900 ducks to keep the vineyard pest-free 0 0 0
02:06 Oklahoma pickup-truck driver severely lost his mind this week, and rammed a car off the road and into a guard rail 1 5 0