A mysterious figure appears to kneel over the crushed remains of a vehicle This is the 'guardian angel' which saved a man's life after his car was mangled in a horror crash, his family claim. In the eerie image, what appears to be a mysterious seraphic figure kneels over the crushed remains of a vehicle. The victim remains in a serious condition after being airlifted to hospital, but his relatives beleive he would have died if it wasn't for heavenly help. Lynn Wooten, the motorist's cousin, told Fox Carolina: "You can see on the picture, on the right-hand side that the angel looks like he's actually knelt with his hands up praying over him. “If you was to see the car you would think nobody came out of it,” she added. The aftermath of the smash was photographed by a local Pastor Michael Clary, who stopped to help the injured man. In a Facebook post, he said: “[The car] Started rolling over. "I counted four times before hitting ditch then going airborne. "Hit about twelve feet against large pine. Wrapped around tree in air and I saw something come out passenger side window. "When I got to where it was I was shocked to see a young man on ground curled in a ball. 'The whole time this was happening I was in prayer mode asking God to protect this person.