NAKED man filmed shimmying down drainpipe outside flats to escape scorned lover's husband - and it doesn't end well This is the very unfortunate moment a cheating lover escaped down the drain pipe completely naked after being caught with another man's wife. Stunned passers-by watched in amazement as the naked man shinned down the facade of a block of flats after making a quick exit from a third-floor window. The unfortunate escapee was enjoying a secret liaison in the building when the woman's husband came home suddenly and caught them together. The man didn't have time to put his clothes on and started to abseil using a cable as a rope. He stops several times and seems to be contemplating whether to go up or down. Ouch: The escaping man keeps control on the drainpipe before finally losing his grip Unfortunately, as he hesitates, he loses his grip, sending him plummeting to the pavement below. Read more: Love rat posted sex tape with mistress on Facebook after having affair The highly embarrassing incident happened in China and was captured on camera. The footage has been posted on YouTube and is already going viral.