A server at Verde Taqueria uses the Heimlich maneuver to save a customer. On Wednesday, Matthew McConnell was ringing up orders at the computer when he heard a commotion behind him. McConnell turned around to see one of his customers choking on a black and blue cheese quesadilla. "It was surreal," said McConnell. "The situation was more dire than I hoped. I had to move in quick, do More..the Heimlich maneuver, so it worked out well." Surveillance video shows McConnell performing the Heimlich lifting the customer, Paul Hargette, off the ground. Hargette said he is thankful he had McConnell as his server. Hargette said he didn't realize how long he was gasping for breath. "I was too worried about getting whatever was stuck in my throat out," said Hargette. "It's pretty scary watching it now. I didn't realize how close I was to choking to death," said Hargette. It was a pretty surreal moment. I've never had the Heimlich maneuver performed on me before." Hargette admits he is a fast eater and sometimes doesn't chew before swallowing his food. McConnell said it was his training from Verde Taqueria that taught him the Heimlich. "Hero might be a little of an exaggeration but I think anyone would have stepped in and done the same thing," McConnell said. "He is definitely a hero," said Hargette. If I wasn't a broke college student, I probably would've tipped a lot more than I did," said Hargette. McConnell said the tip was just fine.