Home Depot cashier Krystal Lake was photographed wearing a custom-made, white baseball cap with the words “America Was Never Great” as she worked at her Staten Island location Sunday.
If you haven’t guessed by now, Krystal is a Bernie Sanders supporter, most anti-Americans are. Although she claims he is NOT anti-American, listening to the interview, conducted by SILIVE.COM, she sure does come off as a typical progressive liberal, viewing America as nothing but a collection of racists, homophobic capitalist pigs.
“I wanted to send a message,” Lake said, adding, “I wanted to show people, no, hey, it never was that great.” Lake claimed that her hat was more of a statement against Donald Trump than an indictment of America.
After seeing the image, which went crazy viral on the net, Home Depot spokesman Stephan Holmes told the press the company’s associates are not allowed to wear anything with a “political statement,” adding, “Unfortunately, no one on our management team saw her wearing the hat — otherwise, they would have had her remove it immediately,” he said.
As of today, there are no reports of Krystal being fired....or deported to Venezuela.