After prejudging white people and making the assumption that they all live in the suburbs with white picket fences, Portland Community College instructor of education Tanya Mead goes on to explain how "white people in North America live in an environment:
A) that protects and insulates them from race based stress
B) builds white expectations for racial comfort
C) lower the ability to tolerate racial stress.
" She goes on to use Robin DiAngelo's definition of "white fragility". She then cites Tim Wise and explains the "typical white responses" to this supposed "fragility, of which the emotions include anger, fear and guilt, while the behaviors are argumentation, silence, tears, and leaving the stress-inducing situation.
Somehow "these behaviors function to reinstate the white racial equilibrium". This was part of the college's "whiteness history month", which they insist has nothing to do with race or shaming white people.