A quick-witted 12-year-old scientist from Mexico claims to have compiled all of the “evidence that vaccines cause autism.” Marco Arturo, who has gained thousands of followers from around the world on Facebook by posting videos of his scientific explorations and discoveries, shared a video over the weekend that gained more than 1 million views in just one day.At the start of the video, Marco announces that he will be addressing a “very delicate topic” that he “used to be very skeptical about.” But, he shares, after “a lot of research” he has discovered that “vaccines do and will cause autism.” He then pulls out a folder containing every single document he found confirming the link between vaccines and autism.But as Marco proceeds to go through his findings page-by-page, viewers see that the folder contains nothing but blank sheets of paper. “I think it might be because there is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that vaccines are linked to autism in any way whatsoever!” Marco asserts. The 12-year-old then makes his case for why vaccines have actually been helpful in saving countless people from diseases like measles, meningitis, polio and smallpox. Marco addresses the argument that parents are free to determine what is best for their children’s health. According him him, parents need to be thinking about more than just their own children. “It’s also everyone else’s child you’re putting in danger because you read some forwarded email,” he said. Since Marco posted the video Saturday, it has been viewed nearly 3.5 million times and received tens of thousands of likes and comments on his Facebook page. The post even caught the attention of actor and comedian Ashton Kutcher, who posted the video to his official account with the description, “Hopefully this settles things.”