President Obama and the Democrats may not actively encourage violent anti-Donald Trump, anti-Republican protests, but they certainly aren't upset that they are occurring, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said on "Fox and Friends Weekend" today. Sheriff Clarke explained that for his entire time in office, Obama has promoted this kind of strife with his divisive rhetoric and policies, and then he wants to turn around and try and blame violence at rallies on the GOP's "bad habits."
"President Obama, the Democrats, Mrs. Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders know that they benefit from this sort of thing," Sheriff Clarke said. He pointed out that these anti-Trump protests distract from the actual issues on the campaign trail, while at the same time bringing the more anarchic demonstrators to Republican events as opposed to Democrat ones. "They realize that if these hoodlums, these goons are not disrupting some Trump rally, they may show up at a Mrs. Bill Clinton rally or a Bernie Sanders rally ... and do this same sort of thing," Sheriff Clarke said. "So they're happy that it's happening over there, and they want to keep it over there."