Friday at the 2016 Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference, presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s speech was interrupted by several protesters who had to be led out of the venue by security.
As Trump said his likely general election opponent presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “wants a 500 percent increase in Syrian refugees to come into our country. No good. No good. Can’t do it. We don’t know where they come from,” protesters began shouting and the crowd responded with “USA” chants.
After the protesters had been removed, Trump continued, “Thank you. All right. A little freedom of speech. Freedom of speech. Thank you. Very rude, but what are you going to do? Thank you darling, I appreciate it. Very sad, very very sad. What’s happening in our country is so sad. We’re so divided. It’s such a shame. By the way, these are professional agitators folks. They come in, they’re sent leer here by the other party, believe me. So where did we left off? 500% increase in Syrian refugees without documentation. We don’t know where they come from. Hillary will bring hundreds of thousands of refugees and many of whom have hostile of people of different faiths and values and some of whom openly support terrorism our country. We don’t need that. We have enough problems. We have enough problems right now.”