ATLANTA (CBS46) -Two weeks following a heated debate with a protestor at a Donald Trump rally in Atlanta, life has drastically changed for 16-year-old Quay Manuel.
“I was just thinking I’m going to out-smart him with kindness,” Manuel said. Manuel became an overnight sensation on social media, but not everyone was a fan. He’s received numerous death threats for his support of Trump.
“I would say about 7 or 8,” Manuel said.
The teenage Trump supporter has been brutally harassed online.
“One comment I remember said that we should go clip this n*****, and clip means we’re going to take you out, basically, and it’s absolutely insane,” Manuel said.
He’s also been told he was letting every ancestor he had down, he’s been called racial slurs and even bullied at work.
“I’ve been referred to as a coon and as an Uncle Tom. Yeah I’ve been referred to as a lot of things, it’s pretty sad,” Manuel said. When asked if the threats make him want to back out of politics, he didn’t hesitate to respond.
“I don’t because it actually makes me want to move this campaign forward because that means I’m touching so many people,” Manuel said.
While members of the Black Lives Matter movement may not agree with Manuel’s political views, they did say they don’t condone the threats.
“It’s morally wrong, it’s ethically wrong and if we’re talking about insinuating on causing bodily harm to another person simply because of their viewpoint I think it’s criminal,” said Black Lives Matter President Sir Maejor Page with the Greater Atlanta chapter.
That said, Black Lives Matter did express one concern with the young Trump supporter.
“Where were his parents? We know Donald Trump rallies can be very volatile, very aggressive from both sides of the aisle and I certainly wouldn’t have my 16-year-old child at a Donald Trump rally unsupervised by adults, by his parents,” Page said.