The University of Connecticut (UCONN) is constructing a new dormitory building on campus that will feature a space strictly reserved for African American Students. The name of the "space" inside the dorm will be called the "ScHOLA2RS House" which is an acronym for "Scholistic House of Leaders who are African American Researches and Scholars." The word "scholistic" is not misspelled, it presumably is sort of a portmanteau of "scholastic" and "holistic."
Not quite sure what's holistic about a dormitory. But it does come across as racist.
How is it not a clear case of segregation in a public institution? In defense of UCONN, they have stated that African American males will not be required to stay there, and that it only holds about 40 people. The million dollar question that has not been asked is... what if a white person attempts to live in that section of the dorm? Will they be refused? If so, why? Because they are white? Isn't that illegal? If reversed, an all-white dorm with no blacks allowed, they would not only be sued instantly, but labeled as KKK and Neo-Nazi skinheads.
This is the exact same scenario that has played out before. A young man named Matthew Heimbach, student at Towson University in Baltimore, started a white student union. He brought in a guest speaker in Jared Taylor, a well-known supporter of white rights. Just having the meeting, before the actual student union materialized, created a furious uproar. There were protests and chants right outside the door of the meeting. It was as if they had labeled them as racists without even hearing them out. So if that's going on, then it's obviously unfair and hypocritical that a new dorm could be built with a black male only section. Each special interest group, race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and more, must be represented equally. At that point, what you have is the equivalent to campus balkanism rather than a healthy scholastic environment.