“At the national convention, they had that poor Smith woman some out and say, ‘Hillary Clinton killed my son,’” he told reporters while wearing sunglasses inside.
“How crazy,” he added.
While addressing the RNC, Smith directly blamed Hillary Clinton for her son’s death. Since then, liberal pundits and politicians have attacked the grieving mother, with one advocating violence against her.
“I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son. personally. in an e-mail to her daughter Hillary Clinton blamed it on –shortly after the attack– terrorism, but when I saw Hillary Clinton, she lied to me and then called me a liar,” she told the RNC.
“Since then, I have repeatedly asked Hillary Clinton to ask plaintiff may the real reason why my son is dead. I’m still waiting. Whenever I call the State Department, no one would speak to me because they say I am not a member of the immediate family…”
“Sean was my son. Hillary Clinton is a woman, a mother, a grandmother of two. I am a woman, a mother, and a mother of two. How could she do this to me? How could she do this to any American family?”
Now Reid, who should have retired from the Senate long ago, is calling her crazy.