Speaking before a crowd in Erie, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, Democrat vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine argued for the very thing his running mate, Hillary Clinton, has been resisting her entire campaign — he suggested that voters deserve to know about a candidate’s health and likely foreign involvements that could be risky.
“You want to know if we’ll disclose our finances, so you can understand how we’ve managed our own household or business and see if we owe anybody anything,” he said.
“We want to make sure that candidates aren’t involved in any foreign entanglements that could impact our national security, and we want to know that they’re in good-enough health to perform their duties,” Kaine added. “When candidates are on the up-and-up, they have no problem disclosing information on all these points. You have a right to know. You have a right to expect, and a candidate that’s on the up-and-up has no problem giving you the facts.”