(Thu, Sept 22, Hour 3) Jesse explains to a caller the reality that "racism" does not exist, has never existed, and you're never judged based on color. He illustrates with the way his wife treats him differently when she's angry at him. Similarly, when whites don't want to be around blacks, they see the blacks are angry, untrustworthy, and whites resent this. But when they see a non-angry black person like Jesse, they like that black person and treat him like anyone else. So it is with blacks who hate whites: Most blacks are angry because of mistreatment by mothers and grandmothers; race hustlers taught blind, angry blacks that whites are "racist," and so blacks judge whites they don't like. When you overcome anger, you can see clearly. The caller tries to say that "racism" is a form of anger. Jesse says no, it is all spiritual. When you are not angry, then you see clearly and do not judge others. The caller still believes in "racism" and "sexism" as a form of the root evil of anger and hatred. But Jesse says, why go along with the lie? When you call it "racism," you go along with the lie. Call it evil, you can overcome evil. The caller thinks it's two different angles, pure semantics. But "racism" is an utterly false diagnosis. And they make the actual problem of evil worse, because evil and lies reign, with bigger problems from generation to generation. Is God lying when he says it's a spiritual battle and not a physical battle? The Devil manifests himself in lies and deceit. So when angry, judgmental people cry "racism," even that is a lie.