UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, Iowa (CBS2/FOX28) — A viewer tells CBS 2 News a Corridor restaurant charged different cover prices this weekend based on how customers voted.
We called Stella and an employee confirmed they did charge different prices. We also talked with the man who says he might not go back.
Eric Stelter of Cedar Rapids left the Hawkeye game at halftime Nov. 12 to watch the rest from a nearby restaurant.
“As we got closer to the door, we noticed there was a sign on the door that said, ‘Yes, this is discrimination, but you voted for it,’" he says.
Stelter says at the door, an employee asked customers who they voted for.
“If you voted for trump, you had to pay $10 to come in. If you voted for Hillary, it was $5 to come in,” he says.
Stelter says he and his wife found out it wasn't a joke and they decided to go home.
University of Iowa Political Science Professor Tim Hagle says seeing the results come in on election night surprised a lot of people
“Wow...He did it. And I think that was a big shock to people. It was a big shock to a lot of people that really were invested in Hillary Clinton for a variety of reasons, either because they liked her or because they hated Trump and we're concerned about his being president,” says Hagle.
He thinks that's why we are now seeing a backlash across the country. He also says we're seeing these kinds of actions more often and in different ways.
“We're in a time when the partisan divide is more intense than it's probably been for a while in this country. It's ramped up and the language is more energetic, is kind of a polite way to put it, and that was partly the campaign too,” he says.
Stelter says he hopes people will show love to others.
“We all just need to figure out a way to come together, accept what we have and work together and move on. Get over the past and look toward the future,” he says.
We tried several times to reach the owner of Stella, but haven't heard back.