Next Friday, November 11, we will pray in Prati,” announces Bachcu area, which explains how the young Italian Muslim second generation had also planned a protest flash mob: “They wanted to go and pray Allahu Akbar throughout the city, to the Vatican, in the squares or in front of the churches, to provoke. In the end we managed to stop them, but if they start these initiatives, what do we do? “.
“We live here, we work here, we can not go to pray mica in Parioli – says Anwar, president of a prayer hall of the neighborhood -. In Italy there is a law for the mosques, then we find the premises and settle them in our own way. ”
“Here they pray up to 300 people, where we go if we close?”, We said Hussein who works in a hardware store in Torpignattara, a few meters from the Islamic center where every day is to pray. This district of the eastern suburbs, where half of the inhabitants are Muslims, is the heart of the Islamic protest against the closure of places of worship.