From a German news site
“Open Censorship of Disliked People”
There are fan sites for companies, products, bands, artists, clubs, parties or politicians. Beatrix von Storch has such a thing. If someone is a fan of a page, and presses the “like” button, he gets the messages of the page displayed in his messages. Von Storch has currently – as of 11.11.2014, 2 pm – 3,939 fans. The number of possible fans is infinite and is not limited by anything.
Messages cannot be sent with a fanpage. An advantage from a marketing point of view, however, is that fanpages like “normal” websites are public – and thus also relevant to search engines. Private profiles can only be viewed by people who are registered on Facebook.
The message from the profile-blocking now provides for lively discussions on the Von-Storch-Fanpage. “I feel like it’s Democracy à la CDU”, writes a Joachim Klockhaus. A Dennis Lehmann says: “Open censorship of disliked people.”[they are being censored]
And a “Valentina Icannottellyou” tries to uplift the “dear Beatrix von Storch”and give her courage: “You are a citizen and a human like everyone else … everybody has the right to open an FB account … you too have family, friends and acquaintances with whom you would like to stay in touch .. in this case you use FB. ”