In this excerpt, taken in a French school, a woman asks a class of "French" pupils if they have French nationality. The class, made up almost entirely of African males, unanimously confirms that they all have a French ID, except for one African who appears to be called out to be in the country without papers. When asked if the pupils FEEL French however, nobody - not even the remaining French boy and the two French girls - raises their hand.
It is not uncommon for European students in big cities to be minorities at their own schools. Decades of unrestricted mass immigration from Africa and the Arab world have rendered the capitals of European cities unrecognizable. The government-subsidized high birth rate of legal and illegal African immigrants transformed once French districts into African ghettos. The remaining French citizens flee for the countryside.
The state-enforced multicultural propaganda has convinced the French that losing your own cities to hostile, Muslim immigrants is "progressive" and something to be proud of while admitting to "feeling French" is something that is viewed as an insult.
Unrestricted invitation and reproduction of welfare-dependent Muslim Arabs and Africans will inevitably lead to disaster once there are no more French left to pay taxes for these failing and crime-ridden cities.