Shortly after Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto canceled his meeting with President Trump, Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox weighed in on the Trump effect on both sides of the border.
“When I saw today’s gathering of the Republican Party retreat, Trump being there reminded me of Hitler addressing the Nazi Party,” Fox told CNN International on Thursday, reminding viewers, once again, that Mexico would not be paying for Trump's wall.
On Friday, Fox doubled down on his remarks, issuing a critical warning to President Trump
"[The Republicans] don't seem to have a free mind," Fox said in an interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe. "They just seem to be doing just exactly what Senor Trump proposed to them."
"I would say, Senor Trump 'Please please grow up'," Fox advised. "I mean, now you're President of a great nation, of the most powerful nation in the world, please grow up, be or try to be a real president."
He also recommended Trump stop feuding with companies doing businesses in Mexico and reexamine his new border tax proposal.