This so incredibly disturbing on so many levels. How do the liberals and leaders of this world not see this for what it truly is?
I humbly urge all Muslims to PLEASE leave this practice of Islam!
This video does not promote any Hate. I am simply stating the FACTS that are in the writings that Muslims follow! Muslims follow these writings and even know, the demented practice of sleeping with dead women takes place.
In April 2012 the Egyptian Parliament tried to pass a Fatwa (legal judgment) that allowed Muslim husbands in Egypt to have “farewell intercourse” with their wives six hours after they had died.
Islamic necrophilia is traced to the fount of Islam, its prophet Muhammad, as found in a hadith (or tradition) that exists in no less than six of Islam’s classical reference texts (including Kanz al-’Umal by Mutaqi al-Hindi and Al-Hujja fi Biyan al-Mahujja, an authoritative text on Sunni Doctrine, by Abu Qassim al-Asbahani).
Telling the truth has always been dangerous. Throughout recorded history, many good people have been murdered, incarcerated, committed to mental institutions, lost jobs, family, friends, homes, belongings, and been harassed to the point of staying quiet.