A strange cylindrical UFO has been captured on a live feed taken from the International Space Station, claim conspiracy theorists.
The UFO hunters believe it shows that visitors from other worlds have developed cloaking technology.
But one expert says space junk or a satellite are more likely explanations than apparently 'unreliable' cloaking devices.
The footage appears to show the object suddenly appearing near the space station, before starting to approach it.
Part of the cylinder is then seen to disappear, which the UFO spotter who shared the footage believes is evidence of cloaking technology.
Speaking on his blog UFO Sightings Daily, astro-biologist Scott C Waring said: 'I noticed a UFO in the distance that was coming closer and closer to the space station.
'The UFO was partially cloaked, which made it look transparent.
'In the deep blackness of spaces, blending into the environment means you will be safer from other alien species that may not be so friendly.
'Bob Lazar said in Area S4 (inside Area 51) that he read documents that said that the USAF knew of 56 space faring species.'
The video, shared on YouTube, had attracted over 20,000 views at the time of publication.
But UFO expert and author of the UFO Investigations Manual Nigel Watson believes a more simple explanation is likely.
He said: 'If alien spacecraft buzzing the ISS use cloaking technology it isn't very reliable if they keep appearing and disappearing.
'You'd think by now they could easily avoid our cameras and other sensing technology!
'This latest video looks like it is either a distant satellite, or a piece of space junk that is relatively close to the camera.
'Rather than cloaking technology it has probably gone out of sight by moving out of the glare of the Sun.'