On the morning of last Sunday (28) a sergeant in the booking of the military police were killed during an attempted robbery in the company of public transport via metro located in the district plateau ayrton senna in fortaleza. According to information, five men armed with pistol and rifle caliber 12 participated in the crime. According to the images of the security camera CCTV of the site, the bus driver enters the company and currently a marginal enjoy the occasion, invades the place and make the staff of shield.
A military man identified as isidore de Paiva Alves 57 years who was inside the realized the criminal action and started exchanging gunfire with the bandit, but the officer was eventually shot by one shot and died at the scene. After the shooting the criminal flees from the roof and the other bandits who waited outside also undertake escape taking course until then ignored. The Case is under investigation by the officers of the 11th precinct of the homicide bureau and protection to the person (Dhpp) working in an attempt to locate those involved in the crime. The military isidore de paiva leaves 4 daughters.