A white man in Houston, who happened to come upon a protest for Philandro Castile, who was killed by police and the police exonerated for the shooting, decided to film and was baffled to find the protest had morphed into some nonsense about gender and LGBT mumbo jumbo.
As he narrates about what is actually happening, one of the black women starts to scold him, telling him 'if he's going to tell the story, tell the WHOLE story.'
Then things quickly devolve as the angry black woman states 'you don't get to tell me white man'....and the trigger for the rest of the mob is pulled.
The mob then starts to yell and the man, calling him names and one tall black man gets in his face and threatens him as the crowd demand he leaves. This all for simply filming and narrating what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
The police then had to jump in, pulled the large man away and other policemen on horses had to ride to the rescue.