Wow. Interesting how quick mics are cut when someone says something that you don’t like, huh?
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson witnessed this first hand. As a black minster, he sees just how little Democrats actually care for people. They truly target the black community. For example, they do not work to improve black lives but rather work to keep them poor so that they stay dependent on welfare. If they are dependent on welfare, then they will continue to vote for the people handing them the welfare. Republicans want them to prosper and for no one to need government assistance.
Peterson is not only a minster but also a conservative activist with his own talk show. He was testifying before California officials at the State Capitol when said, “Senator (Robert) Hertzberg and the sponsors of this bill hate black people,” he continued, “They hate black women; they hate black children.”
His mic was instantly cut and then he was threatened with being removed when he continued to talk out against Senate Bill 10.