Country music legend Charlie Daniels isn’t in favor of people tearing any of the Confederate statues down and even compared the act to what ISIS is doing.
“The Devil Went Down To Georgia” singer joined Rita Cosby on Newsmax on Wednesday to discuss the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend and the events that have followed since then. Daniels started off his argument about why the Confederate statues should stay standing by comparing those who mean to tear them down to ISIS.
“That’s what ISIS is doing, There were pieces of history over there they didn’t like, they’re taking ’em down,” Daniels began.
“Where does it go to Rita? I mean where does it stop? Is it just gonna be Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson or are we headed into Jefferson and Washington, who were both slave owners. How deep in history are we gonna go? Is everybody that we disagree with, we are gonna have to wipe every semblance of them out? Is that what this is all about? Is this where it’s gonna end, is this where it’s gonna go?”