The roundabout of Juan XXIII was the scene of the creepy winding to a motorcycle that ended with the biker trapped in the low of the tourismwith injuries of diverse consideration. The events occurred after 10 am on Monday. The driver was about to enter the roundabout from Ignasi Wallis Avenue when he was beaten and thrown off the bike. The car continued its march and the front wheels passed over the driver. Quickly, a dozen witnesses collaborated in the rescue of the trapped one raising the car. The sequence of events was captured by another driver. The Local Police of Vila made the report and investigates the incident. The 33-year-old victim was taken to the Vilas Clinic where he was treated for bruises on his shoulder, ankle and right hand.
The sequence of events was captured by another driver. The Local Police of Vila made the report and investigates the incident. The 33-year-old victim was taken to the Vilas Clinic where he was treated for bruises on his shoulder, ankle and right hand.